chapter 7: Speaking Terms?

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Chapter 7: Brent POV

I've messed up once again, but we can't date. I know we shouldn't date and Pierson was like this in the beginning. She forgot the reason but I know she would regret dating me, she needs to focus on her work. Pierson is spectacular and deserves a great future. I can't stay not friends with her though, so before we go to Europe I want to reconnect with her. We are there for 2 weeks and this is supposed to be a bonding, lots of fun, cool filming type of trip. Pierson and I being in an awkward non talking sort of conflict is putting a strain on our friendship and risking issues with the whole group. I started the issue, so now I should resolve it. I just hope she puts effort in back, but from what we have done in the last few weeks this is going to be challenging.

We all had fun at the pool party last time, so we are doing it again for a video. But this time with slides and other cool water mechanisms, to add more fluff to the video. I texted everyone to let them know filming times and what to bring, everyone responded back, even Pierson. This isn't much, but to me it's important and special.

The day of the event was exactly 10 days from our departure to Spain, so everyone was a buzz with excitement. People slowly showed up and got changed, everywhere was crowded and busy. Lexi H. and Pierson were one of the first to come, in time per usual. "Hey Brent!" Lexi H. said excitedly while she hugged me, "hi Pier" I said as I opened my arms for a hug. She paused, rejected it, and then agreed and hugged me back, it wasn't the tight hugs we used to have but it was enough. "You guys are one of the first, so most bathrooms are open. Lexi you can go in the spare bedroom and Pierson you can go in the master, if you guys want" I say to both of them "sure" they both agree and head upstairs whispering.

Everyone was complaining about food and drinks, so I decided to get Starbucks. Most people weren't completely ready, and I needed someone to come with me. So I asked Pierson. I hoped this would be a way to talk to her in a friendly manner, but alone. Then if we start arguing, others don't hear or see. "Hey Pierson, most people aren't ready yet. I know you are though and I was going on a Starbucks run, do you wanna come?" I ask her "Brent, I know you are trying to like talk to me and stuff. I'll agree but this doesn't mean we are close" Pierson saids. We let people know we are leaving and Lexi H. gives Pierson a distrustful look and then looks at me as if to say "mess this up and I'll kill you". The Lexi look per usual.

We both get into my car, "Can I play music?" Pierson asks, probably to minimize the awkwardness. "You don't have to ask, you have good taste in music anyways" I say jokingly. I look at her and smile. She is focused in the music but I can see a small smirk. I know she wants to be friends but won't for fear of getting hurt. I get it. I wouldn't either, considering what I've done. I finally want to talk about the relationship thing between us, but I know that's a bad idea. She starts the music and I immediately recognize it. It's the song that was playing when we heading home from the beach one night. It was an awesome night, but also because it was one of our first serious kisses off camera. I hope she didn't mean it in that way. "Recognize the song?" Pierson turns to me and asks "of course I do" I say as I turn it up.


"Hey Pier, do u wanna ride with me?" I ask her as all of us are leaving "sure Brent" Pierson saids giggling as she runs up to me and hugs me from the back. I hope we stay like this forever. We both get into the car and start playing music. We jam together and just have a fun ride. We decide to go to Macdonalds and park in the parking lot. Pierson points her spoon full of ice cream to my mouth and I take a bite. Then I take fry and bump her nose with it jokingly. We finish our food and then start chatting, a slower but not slow song comes on and we just look at each other. At the same time we lean and kiss. It's pitch black and nobody is around us. It's just us. I've never kissed her this much, especially off camera. We eventually stop and start dancing to a new song, but I still feel that connection and buzz. I know she does too. We head back to my house and change into our PJs. We curl up on the bed and watch a movie, eventually falling asleep right beside eachother.

End of Flashback

Pierson and I jam to the song that had once bonded us close together, even a song can fix a lot. We don't talk, just listen to music and dance. That's one thing I love about Pierson, she is herself and herself is wonderful. She is hilarious and goofy, everything I am. Ours moods match, except when it comes to talking about our relationship. We are never in the same place. It's always opposite and that's what causes our conflict. But it's never been as bad as this has been. I hope we can fix it, so that's my goal today, just for us to be on semi normal terms. I believe we cam, especially with the progress that has already been made.

Pierson and I arrive back at the AMP house, and hand over the Starbucks. Everyone is happy.

Sorry for the tardiness buddies, I've been super busy with so many things. But I just rewrote an entire narrative essay today, so maybe I'm in the writing mood. At least I like writing this. Correction love.
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