Chapter 14: Travel day

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Im packing up my carry on bag for the plane when I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in" I said as I turned to face Lexi Hensler (my roomate) "Hey Lexi:), are you ready for Europe!!" I say excited trying to hype her up. "haha yeas im so incredibly excited for this trip, I wanted to ask you something though. We arrrree closer then some other members and you know you can tell me anything..." she drags on "go on Lexi" i respond "welll im just wondering.." "yes?" "welll" "lexi spill your question" i say "im wondering you and Brent are back together.." she saids in a hurry looking at me very curious.

"oh" I pause and think "um if you promise not to tell anyone" "of course i wont pierson, secret safe with me" Lexi exlcaims walking closer to me then sitting down on my bed. "Well, kinda. Im actually not fully sure" I say not sure how much im supposed to spill "go on?" Lexi responds "well as I left after the Europe meeting I uh maybe sorta... kissed him" "WHAT." Lexi exclaims. "Yea, so I think we are slowly working toward a relationship?" I stutter, "oh well um i dont know what to say. Just.. be careful Pierson I dont want you to get hurt again" Lexi saids putting her hand on my shoulder "anyways common pack we have to leave in less than an hour!" she saids as she walks out of my room, i sigh, i agree i do need to be careful.

time skip


I get to the airport earlier than everyone as im the one running this whole trip. I eagerly wait for the squad to get here.. specially Pierson.
I look down at my phone curious to see what time it is when i hear "hiii Brent!", I look up and its Pierson. I smile and put my phone in my pocket and she walks up to me and gives me a big hug.
Lexi Hensler is trailing behind her with a hopeful look. "Hey Lexi!" I say to her snapping her out of her bubble "Hey Brent", she smiles. The three of us chat about the trip while we wait for everyone to arrive.

Finally the whole squad showed up and we checked our bags in. The whole group was laughing in between their own conversations and Lexi and Lexi were making suspicious looks toward me until i saw Pierson walk up to them.

The three of them talked all the way until security while i was left in the back with Ben, we talked about the trip and i asked him about him and Lexi because it seemed there was some tension.
Lexi (my sister) heard her name mentioned with context that it was her and turned around "are you boys talking about me??" She asks laughing walking back to Ben "uhhh no" Ben saids awkwardly staring at Brent "uh uh yea we were, you two have been close recently and i was asking why" I state back matter of factly "well if you MUST know we are talking again but nothing serious yet" Lexi states holding onto Bens arm, "but speaking of dating whats up with you and Pierson? Because there have been some suspicious situations with you and her, that you two keep making excuses for" she saids with a skeptical tone. "Oh well um.." I stutter no sure what to say, i look away from Lexi and look at Pierson. She is already looking at me, and not just a blank stare but a genuinely curious.

"Nothing is really up i guess we are hanging out and are normal like always. im not sure how its going to go but i hope itll be good" I continue smiling at Pierson, she seems satisfied with my answer as I didnt want to share too much.

We all went through security and then we walked around LAX looking for food before we got on the plane. The group split up looking for food and so Pierson and I stuck to each other.

We walked away from the group as Pierson wanted sushi from this specific rester pretty far away. It was quite busy as we walked to the east side of the airport and a large group of people just were walking towards us, 'they must've just got off a plane' i assumed. As they got closer it got squishier, Pierson and I almost lost each other in the crowd until Pierson grabbed my hand unexpectedly. She entangled our fingers together and held on tight not even looking back until the group passed. "You still with me?" she turns and ask "haha yup I have to be considering your super strength" I joke. "Oh sorry" she giggles and lets go. I feel the warmth of her hand pull away and im sad, I was hoping she would leave it there.

We walk over and order the sushi. It takes a bit but finally we head our way back to the meet up spot. As we walk back our arms brush against eachother and I look at her. She looks at me back smiling. I see her face blush a little and she looks away suddenly. Our fingers brush against eachother this time and i hold our pinkies together. I wasnt sure if she would pull away but she doesnt. I take that as my chance to fully hold her hand and when I do she intertwines her fingers with mine.

My plan works and I smile.

We walk the whole way over holding hands but both of us instinctively let go when we see our friends.

No one noticed us until we walked up which is good for us because they didnt see us holding hands. I still dont know what it means though, I initiated it the second time but not the first, Im not sure if she did it for a reason other then to not lose me.

As we all sit in a big group, I feel Piersons eyes on me. I look at her in little glimpses hoping nobody would see and ask.

"Hey guys im going to throw out the trash and check the gate for the boarding time" I say standing up, people nod in their conversations "hey let me help" Pierson saids getting up with me. I smile and she follows me. We throw out the garbage then start walking to the gate.

"Thanks for coming with me" I thank Pierson, "always" she responds back grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. I look down shocked but i smile as I look back up. We stand there for a second looking at eachother.

I look around seeing if i recognize anyone, I dont. Then I look back at Pierson, she is still staring at me. "hey" I say, I make a face because why did I just say that "hi" Pierson saids back as she starts laughing. I just look at her smiling and giggling, her laugh is adorable.

She eventually stops laughing and just looks at me and smiles.

I see her look at my lips and then back at my eyes. I move my hands from my side and her hand to her waist. She looks down surprised for a second then looks back up at me. We exchange a look, a look that gives me butterflies in my stomach.


I look at Brent as i feel his warm hands on my waist. I can feel myself blushing as we look at eachother, he looks deep in thought, I wonder what he is thinking.

He looks at my lips as I look at his. And he leans in...

HA CLIFFHANGER (its mid but yk still a cliffhanger)
I figured it out so im going to do about 21 chapters total !
sorry its a shorter chapter but I hope you guys like it im kinda in a writers block 🙏
I will update again within this week or a day or two later.

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