Chapter 13: 46 hours

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I suddenly wake up to a doorbell downstairs. As I try to get off my bed, I feel a weight pulling me down and realize there is an arm across my torso. I look over and realize Pierson is sleeping beside me, it takes a second but then it clicks. We made up and she loves me to. I turn off the office and i relaxed lift her arm up and off me. Id love to just lay there for even 5 more minutes. I quickly hurry downstairs as I hear another ring to the doorbell.

I open it to my sister and Lexi holding some starbucks and a box. "Hey! What took you so long haha?" Lexi asks "oh uh I was outside and i didnt hear it the first time" i say on the spot not wanting to spill what happened "oh okay, is pierson here she said she was coming earliee, but i dont see her?" Lexi responds back peeking at the living room and kitchen as both of them walk in. "Oh yea she did come early, she is just going to the washroom upstairs i think" I say non-chalantly, "why did she come early?" my sister asks suspicious, joining the conversation as she puts the starbucks down on the counter and hands me my drink "thanks, oh um it was just a conversation about something that happened, anyways uh whats in the box??" I say trying to draw the attention away from the Pierson topic.


"Who's here" a voice saids as footsteps are heard coming down the stairs, "Lexi and Lexi" I respond "and they got starbucks Brent states "YAAAY i love starbies" Pierson responds as she joins the group "soooo what were you guys talking about" she asks as she searches for her drink. "uh nothing" Brent nervously responds, "hey Pierson, what were you doing just now? Lexi Rivera asks smirking, 'she knows what she is doing' Brent think to myself as he looks over at Pierson hoping she saids the washroom, she pauses looks at Brent then Lexi and saids "Oh i went to the washroom and also had to change my pants because the ones i was wearing before were not comfortable", Brent looks at Pierson relieved and she smiles back to him "oh yea those are different pants" Brent sees trying to get rid of the tension "how about we hang out outside till the others get here...also you didn't answer, whats in the box?" Brent exclaims as he starts walking to the screen door to the patio. "Its a surpise" Lexi Hensler saids as she giggles.

The four of them head over to the patio and sit for a while as more people gather. Eventually everyone is sitting around chatting when suddenly Ben starts running and picks Lexi rivera up and drops her in the pool. She screams as she falls causing the other guys to laugh, Lexi hensler brings her over a towel and Pierson slaps Brent jokingly on the shoulder for laughing at his sister. "Okay, okay. No more jokes we gotta actually have our meeting. We officially leave for Europe in 46 hours!!" Brent exclaims excitedly "WOOO" everyone cheers, they all sit down and look at Brent as he grabs a stack of papers from a table in the corner. Everyone eyes him curiously as he hands them each a stapled bundle of sheets.  "These are the itineraries, it has all the flight info, villas we will stay in, what days we will be where, transportation, booked activities, even what the weather will be to help you guys pack!" Brent explains as people flip through and glimpse over the info "wow you are thorough Brent Rivera" Lexi Hensler saids laughing but impressed "yes, yes I am" Brent states proud, he turns a little as he hears Pierson giggling beside his sister. "Sorry" Pierson saids looking at him in the eye, "its just you put a typo so instead of 'be safe and try not to get sick, or everyone will be sleeping away from your room' it saids 'be safe and try not to get dick, or everyone will be sleeping away from your room' haha". Everyone else flips to that page and laughs a bit but Brent just stares at Pierson making a sarcastic pouty face. "Good to see you two on good terms again" Dom points out. "Yea good for you guys, also where is Liv?" Lexi Hensler states "Oh right, Liv. Um she will no longer be apart of group due to some unacceptable circumstances" Brent states seriously, "its for the best". Everyone looks around kind of confused but okay with it.


I try to state my reasoning for Liv being gone pretty generically because I dont want there to be issues and I want Pierson to have privacy about it. I cant ruin our relationship now just after it got better. "Okay we are all set! Everyone meet at the aiport Wednesday at 10am sharp!" I yell to the group over all the buzz of excitement.

Lexi and Lexi smirk at eachother and my sister grabs the box they came in with. I look at then confused as both stand up and head to the front where I am. Lexi Hensler jokingly nudges me out of the way and I head to sit beside Pierson. She pats the cushion beside her and smiles, I sit down  and touch my knee to her as to be as subtle as possible to the others. We look up as Lexi Hensler opens the box and pulls out a t-shirt. "We made custom t-shirts for the group!!" my sister yells excited. The group laughs and looks at the shirts, they are dorky and memorable for sure. Everyone stands up grabbing theirs, and I grab one for Pierson and myself and go sit down beside her again. "These are some funny t-shirts but I love them" she laughs "Me too" I respond back smiling at her. Nobody notices as everyone is up talking, eating and hanging out.

We get up and join them and everyone hangs out for a few hours until they have to go home.

"Bye" I say as I let the second last person leave, I turn around and see Pierson putting on her sweater with her back turned to me. I smile.

"Hey, thanks for coming. Im glad everything worked out" I say and she turns. "Me too, im glad i came earlier" she responds. She picks up her bag opening it, "hmm I think I mightve left my bracelet in your room earlier" she saids looking up "ill go look! You put your shoes on. Is it the flowery one?" I respond happily "wow you even know what bracelets I wear, thats correct." she giggles. I walk upstairs and see it immediately.

"Here you go my lady" I say handing it to her "thank you very much you gentlemen" she saids as we touch hands. She grabs the bracelet and our hands linger barely touching eachother. She smiles moving her hand away.

She turns about to open the door and I stand back but before I can think she turns around and gives me a simple but loving peck on my lips.

She smiles and looks into my eyes after for a second, then turns and leaves. I stand there a little stunned but happy. It clicks to me that I have to get home to feed my dog, so I clean up and head home a few minutes later.


'Woah, I dont know why I did that. We just got on good terms. But he seemed happy, shocked, but happy', I think as I go down the steps and get into my car. I turn on the engine, stare at the house for a second then back out and head home.

'I really hope this works out' she accidentally saids out loud in her car. Good thing nobody is there.

HIIIIII SORRYYYY IT TOOK FOREVER. I swear I will update and finish this story. Send me your guys ideas, preferences and thoughts on how you want this story to go/end.

I hope you like it and happy 2024


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