chapter 4: Fragile Fighting

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Chapter 4: Pierson POV

"But.. I don't think you want to date me." Brent says. "Why wouldn't I want to date you?! I've liked you for so long and told you that I liked you so many times!" I yell at him in frustration. I'm done, I am done. I walk out and shut the door behind me. I don't know what to do, I can't just leave, I have to film. So I head to the bathroom to wash my face and cool down. "Wait, Pierson come back!" I hear as I slam the bathroom door.

"Knock, knock"
"Pierson Im sorry, open the door. We can talk" Brent saids at the door, "Talk Brent? I just tried that with you and look how it turned out! Leave me alone, people are coming soon" I say as I feel a tear go down my cheek. Why did I love a guy who wouldn't love me back out of fear? I went to the washroom and washed my face. I didn't hear anything outside of the door, so I assume Brent left. I slowly slide down against the door, collapsing to the floor. I couldn't keep battling with him about this, but I can't let go. "Pierson. I got you Starbucks. I know you don't want to talk to me. And I'm not saying I know how to fix this, but I do truly try. I'm really sorry." Brent apologizes "I'll leave the drink on the other side of the door". I don't know how to react to this, he cares but also won't care. I'm say to myself I'm conflicted on what to do, but I know I won't let go.

"Ding dong" I'm still in the bathroom a half an hour later when I hear someone enter. I have to look fine and normal. "Hi Lexi" Brent saids as if nothing happened, he knows what to do. "Hey Brent, isn't Pierson supposed to be here, what were you two lovers up to?" Lexi R. Asks. "Oh uh, she was late and so she just came and is in the bathroom right now" Brent states. I stand up and look in the mirror, my makeup is slightly messed up. I just wipe it off completely. I open the door and look down. There is my Starbucks, not even just a grande but a venti. It's my favourite drink and with my special extra. I pick it up and walk back to the master bedroom to grab my bag I left from before. I walk to the master door but walking in hurts. I do it anyways and when I do, I can't find my bag. I look around and look in the bathroom for some dumb reason. I don't find my bag, but I find something else. Some of my favourite make up stuff is on the counter in a bucket. Brent must have put it there just in case. For me.

I walk back out grinning but then stop immediately as I walk down the stairs. I walk to the kitchen and see my bag sitting on the counter with my phone beside it. Brent must've brought it down to look like I just came. "Hey Lexi!" I say and go hug her. "Ooo you got Starbucks and didn't ask me?" Lexi saids sarcastically. "Oh sorry haha, I needed something to drink." I respond back.

End of Flashback, now current time....

We wait for everyone to slowly show up and in 30 minutes everyone has arrived for filming and an announcement. Lance had texted everyone yesterday that he had an announcement for everyone and to show up early. He hadn't shown up yet, so everyone was just talking. "Ok, everyone, you are all wondering what the announcement is?" Lance yells as he walks though the doorway. Everyone turns to look at him and as I turn around I see Brent staring at me. I was talking to Lexi H. and he was talking to Mark. He stops looking at me immediately and asks Mark another question quickly before Lance starts talking. Lance has to take off his bags and jacket and then he starts walking outside and directs everyone to follow. We all head that way and go to sit down on various seats.  I end up sitting next to Brent on the love seat (a couch with only 2 cushions), nobody looks our way luckily as they are all distracted at Lance. Brent fidgets a little and I can feel his eyes on me. Then suddenly he puts his hand on my thigh. I immediately take his hand and put it on his own thigh. I look around to see if anyone saw, it doesn't look like it. I look over at Brent, who is now looking away at Lance and I tap his shoulder. He looks at me and I look at him like "why did you do that?"and he looks back and mouths "I'm sorry and let's be more then friends". I'm annoyed now.

"Ok! So you guys know how we were planning on going on a trip to Europe? Well flights and the villas have been approved!" Lance saids happily "YAY" everyone cheers. I look at Brent and he looks excited, he turns his head also to look at me and as im about to turn away. I stay, and we look directly in each others eyes, I don't want to love him but I can't stop. He looks at me apologetically and then looks down at my hands as I am still holding my Starbucks drink. He looks back up to my face and smiles, I smile back and mouth the words "thank you".

Lexi H. Taps on my shoulder to talk about us going on a trip. As she starts chatting Brent announces "Hey so everyone! Some people have been before but some haven't like Jeremy, Dom, Sofie, and Pierson. So let's make this even better as we are all even closer now!". "First we need to figure out who will sit with who on the plane and who will sleep in the same room, then anything else!" Lance states, yelling at this point because the room is buzzing with excitement. "When does our flight leave?" Lexi R. Asks "In 13 days" Lance responds and everyone awwwws in anticipation.

I'm excited but nervous, maybe this time Brent will realize what not to do and will make an actual move this time. At least I hope so.

Once the meetings and filming is done, everyone starts to leave. I genuinely have to go to the bathroom this time and end up being the last one to leave. "Bye Pierson, I am still sorry about this morning, I hope you liked you drink" Brent saids as he grabs my phone for me. "It was perfect , thank you. But from this morning, you still have to work things out Brent. I don't forgive you this time, it's too much." I say sternly as I reach to give him a hug in gratitude for the drink. He hugs back and has we slowly release, we look deeply into each others eyes. I still have to put my shoes on and grab my bag, but I don't care. I start walking backwards because he is walking forwards still holding me. I eventually feel something on my back, it's the door. He looks at me and then my lips. And leans in...

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