The COST of living is a lie - Looking crooked at the price we 'pay' to exist

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Cost, price and value are all lies.

Every being has the right to exist without having to PAY anything. Cost and price are artificial constructs developed to trap folks into beLIEving that they can have nothing, if they have no thing to offer.

Cost forces a being into debt and slavery just to exist. Think about it. How much do you pay for water, soil, food, the right to live on a specific piece of land.... All things that are FREE from the earth as a product of nature. Yet PARASITES have managed to trap us in the mindset of 'everything has a price'. The price of your labor, diligence and time. They go out of their way to make things COST as much as possible so you have to 'spend' more of your 'time' to pay them to live. If you're too tired and busy, you don't have time to figure out that if you spent that same time working on growing food and making your own products, you'd actually enjoy life. Regardless of what bad actors would have you believe, most folks are willing to be kind. Bad actors go out of their way to punish good samaritans and anyone that stands against freedom of the people for nefarious reasons. Otherwise the ants, pardon me, the people might recognize that they can say no to government. Oh, did you know the definition of govern is have absolute authority (to write the story), or to steer a group, situation etc. So does accepting a government mean we've 'agreed' to allow bad actors to usurp our sovereignty?

I'm of the opinion that 'life' is just an immersive game we play, (see and ) so when I had zero income, hurt more than I could handle and was losing the ability to take care of myself, I decided the best course of action was to leave this life.

I've been unable to work for several years, but SS has stolen the money they forced me to pay for 33 years. So I lost my home etc. and I'm only still alive (I mean that literally) because of 1 friend who became my caregiver years ago when I started losing my ability to walk etc.

This is a glaring example of a friend vs. a poser.

My ex husband had secretly canceled my insurance while I was undergoing cancer treatments. But when I that came to light, my best friend helped me take care of things and now it's a faded memory. I spent a decade in a committed relationship with that ex husband, making 70% of the income for our household. He liked to make jokes about bringing home his 1/3, but when I was struggling to keep walking, he left. Because helping me survive wasn't as much fun as West War.

When I talked to my best friend to say goodbye, he told me he loved me and he'd miss me. He'd help me, he'd literally take care of me if that's what it took, but he wanted me to stay because he loved me and would miss me.

Years later, I'm still alive and living a life similar to a pampered pet. No one asks me to 'pay' anything to exist, and help is offered to me, even if I'm incapable of asking. Due to this and a move away from the constant electrical noise of a big city, my health has improved exponentially. I still have discomforts, especially with all the solar and geomagnetic activity at the moment, but I can get up and down and walk on my own now. I can now stretch my arms all the way above my head. Something I'd been unable to do without rib spasms for over 20 years, thanks to my best friend being willing to shoulder the 'cost' of me living so many years ago when I wanted to die and escape.

I've had a lot of trouble breaking out of the 'must physically work to be valuable' mindset. I can design and engineer anything from food and medicine to cleaners and furniture, but in my mind 'administration' skills aren't valuable. Which is insane, because without admin, the business world would cease running in less than 24 hours. Admin, literally, hold almost all the power.

Just think about it, a network admin has access to all your data, but can block you from it or change it with a keystroke.

A 'secretary' admin has access to all the goings on of their area and act as the arms and legs of their 'superiors' in many cases. What happens if the arms and legs stop working against themselves and start working FOR themselves, ie. in their own (or good actors) favor?

I've digressed into examples or price, value and cost for you to examine from every angle, so I'll wrap up now. When I LAIC, and I can't help but wonder.

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