LAIC - Rapture mythology and NPCs

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Many folks indoctrinated into Judeo Christian beLIEf systems have been taught about the 'time of rapture'.

The Rapture is supposedly a time when the Christ will reappear and take all the 'worthy' folks to heaven and leave all the 'unworthy' folks behind. I was taught that piles of clothing would be left behind by anyone who was 'raptured'. Our preachers talked about how the highways would become huge junkyards as cars were left behind and crashed into each other.

In the churches I grew up with, they used Rapture as another fire and brimstone scare tactic to coerce the congregation to stick to the absurd restrictions and contradictions the mutilated 'holy bible' contains. If you didn't prove your worth to this Christ you would be left behind and tortured by the other bad folks.

But considering what we know about the lies and illusions of this world, could that be an inversion meant to terrorize the good actors in this game? What if rapture did happen, and loads of folks disappeared, BUT, it was only the NPCs or bodies without souls that disappear?

What if those left behind are the good folks, now able to revivify our world without the bad actors?

The more I LAIC, the more I wonder....

There is a theory that NPC, soulless or non conscious people far outnumber living or conscious souls.  Specifically, in this 'game' of life, they are necessary for us to experience what we want to experience.  They can be good, bad or neutral, you can spot them sometimes because they tend to have extremely strong cognitive dissonance.  

So what if Rapture is us becoming lucid of the NPCs or them actually disappearing?  How weird would it be if Poof! 70% of 'humanity' just evaporated, leaving only the living souls?  

I guess we'll see or not, lol...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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