Is 'Reality' a program? If so, what are the mechanics?

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Thoughts on reality as it is – *Sorcerer = channel of divine / source energy

Ok, so my thoughts on 'reality' are this. The world is a big program, a super immersive RPG that we choose to enter into. We have certain agreements / parameters that are set before hand and as we 'sleep' we check in with our 'admins' (guides, I guess?) and ourselves to see what chooses we made, weave what we've chosen.

So the programming of the 'world' could be set as 'If consent = Yes, continue, if No, cease. Or it could be set to 'Continue unless rejection is given'. This is a bit like the laws Britain was trying to pass stating that anything not specifically legal is illegal. A monumental violation of free will and rights for sure. Now, in this now, the rules have changed. Channelings and divinations have stated that the calculations and algorithms of this Now have been skewed in favor of the light, where previously they had leant towards darkness due to the choices made here.

So I wondered if that could result in auto consent having been turned off in this world. Folks are actively rejecting a lot of what's going on, even if they are being manipulated by MSM truths, they are trying to make the world brighter. So maybe it is still on a 'active rejection' still, but I would like to think, the more we love and look out for one another, the more the whole system will turn more and more 'active consent'.

The 'matrix' system we 'reside' in could work as active consent or active rejection of the choices offered to us each day. This idea came together as I was meditating this morning during my earthing, I wondered which it is NOW, what it was 'meant to be' before we agreed to attempt to help the refugees that had destroyed their own worlds. And if there is a way I could figure out how to reprogram it in 'our favor'.

Let me explain. As a Sorcerer*, I practice 'I accept / I reject' with the world around me as a way of cementing in my consciousness that we have the sovereign will to choose whatever we like. Without judgement, without guilt. It's a way of 'paying' your attention with care and leading the world to be woven more how you want it to be.

Considering all the manipulations that have gone in this world I wonder which it was, what it might be now, etc. Active rejection = if you don't agree, the choose is rejected. Active consent = if you don't reject, the choose is allowed. Examples of this are 'truth in plain sight', like the prophesies posted at the Vatican, allegedly, as a means to follow the rules and state their intentions. Since we didn't actively reject the first 2 wars, they happened, we rejected the 3rd so it was denied. But the thing that rubs me is this, the doublespeak and deception are obfuscation of real intent, so how could that be allowed within a 'free will' society when the truth was rarely ever allowed? Active consent programming is the only thing that makes sense, but again, I don't know what I don't know. +

Much love.

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