chapter 1

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" hey Hannah, are you going to download love alarm??" my teammate Jinsol asked. " Are you crazy?? didn't you hear what pd-nim say about them?? we aren't allowed." "still, it would be so fun to try out like i always wanted to know who likes me." i rolled my eyes as i opened my locker. Not surprising that Jinsol was the one who is most interested in things like these.

"Plus, aren't you curious to know..." she started. "Nope absolutely not." I cut her off and use my locker door to cover my reddened face.

"'s way too early for this..." yoona groaned as she opened her locker. " the performance is in a few weeks,of course they will make us practice our butts off." i sighed. " let's go." the three of us trudged to the dance practice room where everyone was at.

Everyone was there. 2pm, twice, day6, itzy, straykids and xdinary heros. Our company planned a jyp family concert for the year end kbs music festival and we have been practicing non stop for the past few weeks. I caught my bestfriend's Jungsu from xdinary hero's eye across the room and I smiled waved at him. We were trainees around the same time and we always practiced together before he moved to debute with the band.

" settle down, settle down." our dance instructor Mrs Kim called out. " I have made some last minute changes to the performance. I've decided to add a female and male duet in between the rap and dance units. " my members and i exchanged looks, this was a huge deal. " i have already picked minho for the male part but i haven't picked the female part, any volunteers??"

It felt like my heart skipped a beat as he stood up and bowed. Lee Minho, my crush for the fifth year.

flashback to four years ago...

" Did you even practice??? a child could even dance better then you!!" my dance teacher yelled at me. " I-i'm sorry...i will do better..." " You will never debut at this rate, your horrendous." tears welled up my eyes as i ran out crying. I ran to the staircase near the lift and sat down and started to cry. I don't know what was wrong with me, maybe they are right, Kpop isnt meant for me...

Suddenly, I heard foot steps and i immediately wiped my tears  with my hands and stood up, I came face to face with Minho. "Anneyonghasayo sunbae" I said and bowed. "Are you, ok???" he asked with a concerned face. Upon hearing that, I started to cry again, with tears spilling down my cheeks like a waterfall.

"Hey, hey everything is going to be ok...what's wrong??" without even thinking, my sorrows and pain from the past week, just spilled out. He handed me tissues while i talked and when I was done he said, " I know it is hard but, you can do it !!! I was in your place once, I know how hard it is to go through all of this, but you can do this !! I am counting on you!!"

Thanks to his encouragement, I practiced late into the night. I was the first to leave the dorms and last to leave the practice rooms, thanks to him, I debuted as the main dancer and lead vocalist of  nmixx.

end of flashback.

" Mrs kim !!" the maknae of our group kyujin raised her hand. " I volunteer Hannah !!" I turned around and looked at her, my eyes wide. " Hannah!! perfect, you don't have any solos or parts that can make you shine, perfect, you and Minho meet me after practice thank you." " But- " "Why?? do you not want it??" with all the seniors looking at me, I said, " No, it's fine..." "Perfect!! now let's start warming up!!"

I turned to kyujin, " You are so dead."  she stuck her tongue out at me and hid behind Haewon. What am I going to do...

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"That's it for today everyone!! thank you!!" everyone bowed and started to collect their things and left. " Have fun with lover boy!!" Kyujin said teasingly and I rolled my eyes. "He is not-" "Say whatever you want but the whole world knows you have a crush on him." Jinsol said. " quiet!!!" I whisper shouted as they scurried away. " See you later!!" my members called out to me. "see you..." I muttered.

Minho was at the other side of the room, wiping sweat off his forehead. God why does he look so freaking good even without makeup, and his arms...oh my god, "Hannah, Minho!!! come here!!" Mrs kim called out and we both went to the front. " So, as you both should know, your duet would be one of the most important part in the whole performance. So I want you both to put on a perfect performance, understood??"

I nodded, feeling the stress on me. " Ok, I will try my best." "I want you both to watch the demo videos i sent you and we will start tomorrow!! you may leave now." "Thank you." both of us said and bowed. I grabbed my bag and left. When I stepped out of the dance practice room, someone called my name.

"Yah!!" I looked up to see Jungsu leaning against the lockers with his earbuds in "Oh, you scared me." "So?? what did Mrs kim say???" "I have to put my 110 percent of effort into this, i'm honestly so stressed that I can't do well, I didn't even want any solo parts." i said will spinning the combination for my lock.

"Hey." he said suddenly in a serious tone. I looked up at him from my locker. " You can do this, I know how hard you have worked hard to get to today." I gave him a meek smile as I reopened my locker. "thanks." " Hey, you are wearing my hoodie again." He said. "Well, it's comfortable af, do you want it back?? I have sweat all over it." "EWWW, your disgusting." I rolled my eyes. " Look who's talking." i said shutting my locker.

" Wanna get bingsu downstairs??" "sure, let's go."

He ruffled my head,messing up my hair and ran " LAST ONE THERE HAS TO PAY" " YAH YOU LITTLE-" i yelled and ran after him.

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The next morning, I woke up extra early to go to dance practice room to practice my solo parts for the duet. I spend the entire night watching and rewatching the demo. There was one part where I had to walk away and he had to grab my hand and pull me towards him. Thinking about it is already making me blush like no tomorrow. Well of course, the members could not stop teasing me about it and I couldn't do anything about it.

After practicing for awhile, I sat down in one corner and browsed through my phone. As I was scrolling through instagram, I came across the love alarm advertisement. " If you like someone, ring their love alarm!!" should I?? it sounded so tempting...ok, i will just download it and delete it right after, no one will know!! I downloaded it and launched the app. Just then, I heard voices coming from outside, Oh no, Iquickly ran and hid in the other side of the room.

"Why is the lights on??" chan, the leader of straykids questioned. " Probably someone was here before and left for something." "Yeah..." chan said. From the cracks of the divider, I can see them stretching to warm up. " Honestly, why did you ask me to practice Haneul's part with you, you can just ask her." Haneul was my real name. "Don't ask any questions just help." I saw Chan shook his head.

"By the way, are you going to download love alarm??" Chan asked while stretching his legs. " I don't know, it seems pretty interesting though, I heard the younger ones aren't allowed." " Yeah that's because they just debuted because of the dating ban." Minho nodded while stretching. After a few minutes Chan said "Hey, why don't you download it now!"

"Actually yeah, but it's just to see if it's legitimate or not." Minho said and grabbed his phone.

I froze, oh no no no no, they will find out in a split second. I reached for my pocket for my phone but I realized it dropped on the floor while i was running away.

My heartbeat raced as I panicked. What do I do now?? ok look, maybe you won't even ring his alarm, maybe it was just and idol fan thing you know, oh please please please may the app be broken, please...

"ok done and I just need to launch it." I peeped through the crack and saw Minho launching the app and Chan getting up from the floor to look over his shoulder. They both stared at the app and after what seemed like hours, both of their eyes widen and chan said, "No freaking way...."

Y/N: hi, it has been long, anyways i just want to clear something that i am not in anyway copying the original love alarm plot, I just used the concept of the love alarm app in this book. hope you enjoy !!! <3

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