chapter 9

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"Here, a box of fried chicken." I said as I set it on our dining table. Kyujin rushed to the table and sat down. she grabbed the first drumstick she saw and took a huge bite out of it.

"Yes, this is what I needed." She said, her mouth filled with chicken. While chewing, she motioned for me to take one too. I shook my head "No thanks, I'm sick of fried chicken. And you like you have not eaten for days." I said handing her napkins to wipe her mouth. She gave me a goofy grin and she took another bite.

"Can I go the shop and get free fried chicken some day??" I rolled my eyes and knocked her head. "You have the work for it, I'm sure my mom would love some extra hands." The other members were starting to come out and taking chicken for themselves.

"Uhm, guys, I have something to tell you" They paused and looked up at me. "So uhm, Minho and I are official now and-" "YES I KNEW OUR PLAN WORKED THAT NIGHT." Kyujin screamed and she and Jinsol high fived each other.

I rolled my eyes and Haewon shushed them. "No one other then us knows right??" I nodded. "Good. Don't tell anyone yet. I am not saying I don't support of this but just be extra careful ." she paused and then smiled and said "congratulations."

"WOHOOO MY SHIP IS FINALLY SAILING!!" I rolled my eyes. "Dude, it's been years, finally oh my god, we need to celebrate!!"Kyujin said standing up. "Where are the drinks??" Haewon knocked her head. And she winced sitting back down/ "A) you can't drink yet, B) we have schedules tomorrow and C) you have school tomorrow!!"

"Ugh fine." Kyujin groaned and sat down. Which reminds me. I went to my room and packed up Jungsu's hoodie. It was about time I returned it to  him.

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"Why are we here again??" I groaned putting my stuff into my locker. "Need I to remind you we are prepping a comeback??" Haewon said.

"My head hurts." I said rubbing my head. "I need coffee." "There's some inside the van I'm sure."

Today we will be filming for our comeback music video and we have to be out the whole day. "It's literally 5 am in the morning are you kidding me" I groaned.

"Come on, everyone's waiting for us." I stood up and caught up with Haewon.

Our new music video had very minimal green screen so it was extra tiring to film everything. By the time we were done, it was 50 hours later and I was exhausted and was ready to rest.

"It's a wrap!!" the director shouted and I cheered. After taking pictures around the set with my members , we changed back into our regular clothes and dropped by the company before going home.

"I can't wait to remove all my makeup and sleep for the rest of my life." My eyes were already half closed. "Same." Yoona said yawning while taking and putting stuff into her own locker. I looked around and saw Jungsu sitting on a nearby bench with his headset in.

I took the bag with the hoodie in out of my locker and sneaked up from behind him and pulled his headset off. He jumped and turned back. "Dude, you scared the crap out of me!!" I chuckled. "What's with the funky makeup??" He asked looking at me up and down.

" MV filming" "Ah..." he says nodding. " I honestly can't wait to just go home and sleep for the next two days." He chucked. "Of course, your a little pig" I slugged him. "Oh yeah, that reminds me." I handed him the bag with his hoodie in. "Here's your hoodie, I feel like I kept it for way too long."

He looked surprised. " Your actually returning it to me, wow, what's the occasion??" "Well you know, I feel like I won't need it anymore." "Why?? did pd nim gave you your pay cheque??" I rolled my eyes and slugged him again.

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