chapter 5

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The next day I slept in because all of us had the weekend off. But I had woken up to my phone ringing. It was a text from Minho.

"Hey, I am going fishing today with chan hyung wanna join me??? :)"

I blinked at the text, he was asking me to go and hang out with him??? I smacked my forehead, I must no have woken up. After rubbing my eyes a couple times, I looked at the message again.

I didn't read anything wrong.

He was asking me out??

Should I go???

Another message came in. I looked at it.

" it's ok if you don't wanna go, we have an extra space and I just thought maybe you would want to come."

" ah no, sorry i just woke up, i'm still super blur but yeah sure."

"great :), we will meet you below ur dorm in 30 minutes??"


I panicked. 30 minutes is not enough. I still had to pick out an outfit.

I jumped into the shower and brushed my teeth. I picked a simple outfit and tied my hair into a high ponytail.

I was wearing my shoes when i heard a voice behind me.

"Going somewhere???"

I jumped and turned around to see Kyujin leaning against the wall.

"You scared me oh my god, are you a ghost???"

"You have not answered my question."

I sighed, here we go again.

"I uhm, I'm...going out to somewhere..."

Kyujin looked at me as if she is not buying whatever i'm selling.

I sighed, here we go again.

"Ok fine, Minho oppa asked me to go fishing with him."

Her eyes widened and I put my finger to my lips, signaling her to shut up.

"SHHHH, the other's are still sleeping."

"Okok, tell me EVERYTHING when you get home."

I gave her a disgusted look and left the house. When I reached downstairs, Chan and Minho was already there.

"hello mrs sleepyhead."

chan said laughing at my no make up face.

"shut up, this was so last minute. I look horrible right now "

" You look cute though..."

Minho said and looked away from me, he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked at the ceiling. Chan playfully shoved and gave him a teasing face.

"ok enough, are we going to go or what???"

"yes ma'am"

chan said teasingly and I rolled my eyes. We hailed a cab and chan sat in the passenger seat while Minho and I sat at the back.

I yawned before turning to Minho.

" i'm gonna sleep for awhile, wake me up when we reach."

Minho nodded and I closed my eyes. Before I closed my eyes, I heard Minho say, " Sir, can you turn down the radio a little bit??"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Wake up Haneul..."

I groaned and opened my eyes, we are here. I looked down and saw Minho's jacket draped over me. I handed it back to him before getting off the taxi.

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