chapter 4

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Deep breathes, you got this. I took a deep breathe as the makeup artists was touching up my makeup.

"Nervous??" Haewon asked from her seat.

"kind of"

She reached over and squeezed my hand.

"Your gonna do fine, I seen how hard you have been practicing for this."

I smiled and nodded at her.

"Time to go!!" the producers called and makeup artist put a final touch on my face and went out and took my position back stage.

I walked past Xdinary Hero's waiting room and Jungsu was walking out at the same time.


"Oh hey!! break a leg!!"

"thanks, you too!!"

We went to our positions and the performance started. The vocal unit started with a beautiful ballad and it slowly transitioned into the rap unit. I caught Minho's eye from across the stage and he gave me a thumbs up sign.

After the rap unit, the lights went off and the music to our duet started and I walked into my position.

I can hear the fans screaming through my in ear monitor and I started to dance. It was going well and I found myself enjoying it.

When it was the part, I walked away and Minho grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him and the crowd went wild.

Then it was time for the group dance, I stood beside Minho and danced, I was smiling from ear to ear and it was the best night of my life.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"That was amazing!!" Kyujin screamed backstage. "YOU BOTH KILLED IT."

My heart was pounding from happiness and I looked around for Minho. He was in the corner, watching me and my teammates, we made eye contact and we smiled at each other.

"Heyyyy good job!!! you killed it out there!!"

Jungsu said as he put his arm around me, I tried to wriggle my way out of his arms.

"Ewww, your all sweaty, get away from me."

"Look who is talking-"

"UNNIE UNNIE!!!" Kyujin screamed running towards me with her phone.

"what???" I looked at her with a confused expression.

"MINHO OPPA AND YOU ARE TRENDING ALL OVER TWITTER!!!" she screamed waving her phone at me.

I grabbed her phone and clicked into the trending tittle. "LEEKNOWxHANNAH" It was flooded with videos from our duet and that part where he pulled me towards him. I scrolled through the comments.

" Find me someone who looks at me the way leeknow looks at Hannah"

"Their chemistry is actually insane."

"i'm so sorry guys but i kinda ship."

"oh my fairy godmothers what is this??" I asked scrolling.

"What do you mean??? Everyone ships you and Minho oppa!!"

"SHHHH, your so freaking loud oh my god."

"This is lame, why are they shipping two people who are just purely  colleagues??"

Kyujin and I looked up from her phone and stared at him.

"I-I mean, you guys just worked together this one time, how can you make sure there is chemistry between you guys right??"

I blinked, what was up with this guy??

" Uhm I guess??? if you put it that way."


I looked up and saw Minho jogging towards us. He ruffled my hair and said, " You did amazing"

Immediately I got butterflies in my stomach and I smiled at him.

"You did amazing too."

Suddenly I felt someone push me from the back and I tripped tumbled straight into his arms. First of all, his chest is so hard?? and I looked up and we just looked at each other for awhile before I heard Kyujin giggle. I broke apart from him.

"JANG KYUJIN YOU ARE SO DEAD." I shouted and she ran away.

While I was busy strangling kyujin, Haewon came up to us.

"Stop playing around, the manager is calling us to take group photos."

I death glared Kyujin once and we went to the big hall. I saw Minho and he waved me over to where he was standing. While everyone was getting ready for the photo, he suddenly leaned in and whispered in my ear.

" You did amazing today, great job."

I felt my whole body tensed up and It was suddenly getting super hot as a blush crept across my cheeks.


"Thanks, you did great too."

I said before looking into the camera and gave the biggest smile ever.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I was laying in bed, exhausted from the performances I had to put on today. I was scrolling through instagram and looking at the pictures they posted on their private accounts.

Suddenly I got a notification from my account, it was someone tagging me in their post. I clicked into it was shocked to see it was Minho.

He had tagged me in a video.

Our video.

He had posted a video from our performance today.

The caption read, " Thank you for the most amazing duet today 🤍"

Oh my god...

"UNNIEEEEEE" Kyujin screamed while running into my room and jumping onto my bed.

"What oh my god, your so freaking loud- "

"Someone rang Jinsol unnie's love alarm today!!!"

My eyes widened.


"I don't know, but she said when she was taking pictures she got the notification."


"Are you planning to download it back anytime??"

"definitely not, it gave me enough trauma the last time..." I stared at the wall. "Plus, i'm pretty sure he only sees me as a little sister..."

"No, unnie, I am pretty sure he likes you."


"Have you seen the way he looks at you?? Just now when you looked away during photo taking, I saw how he looked at you, I don't know how to describe it but, he looked at you as if you were his entire world, he likes you unnie."

I stared at my plushie seal which Jungsu had gotten for my birthday.

" I..."

Kyujin touched my arm lightly and smiled at me before leaving my room.

was it true???

I looked at the love alarm app and I decided to activate it.

a/n: this was such a dry chapter-

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