chapter 12

109 3 74

Hannah's P.O.V

"I can't believe we actually got three wins this comeback !!" Jinsol said. I nodded in agreement. I honestly did not expect our comeback to do so well.

While taking pictures of each other music core pink walls, I saw Minju, Jungwoo and Minho walk past us. I bowed at them and waved at Minho and he waved back.

"Hey, heard it's your last promotion!! congratulations on three wins!!" "Thank you. It's thanks to your support for us this comeback." He just smiled.

"Assuming your not eating with me later, I'll call later!!" He said patting my head and walked away to take pictures with his mc partners. I just watched him walking away, hoping that these little things between us will last forever.

I watched him as he walked off. "Hey!! heyyyy !!! earth to Haneul!!" A hand waved in front of me and I was snapped back to reality. "What??" Kyujin rolled her eyes. "Too busy at lover boy to be caring for your own group I see." I smacked her. " what now??"

"Take group pictures and vlive duh!! pay attention!!" I rolled my eyes and followed her to take pictures and get ready for the group vlive.


"Finally, promotions are over!!" I said stretched and flopping on the sofa, stretching my long legs out. Kyujin came and smacked my legs. "Move, I need to sit." I stuck my tongue out as she sat down beside me.

I sat up. "Oh right, I forgot I left my hoodie in the locker, I'm gonna go get it." "I think you need to clear it up soon, the last time I looked at it i'm pretty sure I saw a rat run of out." Haewon said folding her clothes.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that dirty." Kyujin gave me a look that said "yeah, right" and I grabbed my purse and went out.


"Ew, was this that wrapper from that sandwich I ate months ago, Haewon was right, I really needed to clean this." I said holding up a wrapper and threw it to the dustbin beside the lockers and continued to rummage through it.

"Woah, Choi Haneul making history by finally cleaning up her locker?? " I heard a voice from behind me and instantly knew who it was. Jungsu.

"Shut up." I said rolling my eyes. I handed him the pile of rubbish beside me. "Since your here, help me get rid of this for me thank you very much."

He gave me a disgusted look. "Wonder who would want to marry someone as dirty as you." I stuck my tongue out at him as he walked to the nearby dustbin and discarded everything.

I continued to rummage through my locker and under stacks of lyrics papers  found a heart shaped box of chocolates. This was weird, I don't remember seeing these.

"Hey do you know who these are from??" I asked showing him the box. He stopped for a second and looked at it, his face filled with what seemed like recognition.

"I gave you that remember??"I looked at him blankly "Did you?? " I tried to recall when or why he had given me this but nothing came up.

He rolled his eyes. "Last year for valentines day, you were crying to me because you saw him give someone else chocolates and I gave you that for comfort remember??"

"Oh yeahhh!! I completely forgot, well the chocolates are probably a goopy mess now so I will keep the box for memory." I looked up at him and he looked kind of hurt.

"Haneul!!" I heard a voice from my left and looked up it was Minho. He walked up to me and sat down beside me. He looked at Jungsu and they both nodded at each other.

"What's up??" I said taking out a cat sticker sheet from my locker, when did I even get this?? "Are you free the next few days??"

"Yeah...I have the next few days off, maybe we can do something then." He nodded and I noticed his phone lying beside me and I picked it up.

Using the cat stickers I dug up from my locker, I peeled off some and pasted them on his phone case. "There!! they won't go to waste." I said handing him his phone case.

He took back his phone and looked at his newly decorated case and smiled. Jungsu cleared his throat. "What??" I asked him. "Oh?? you noticed I am here?? I thought I was suddenly invisible."

I sighed and rolled my eyes as his childishness. "Hey, your wearing the hoodie I returned to you!!" "Of course!! that was my favorite one and you took it!!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"It was really comfortable, you can't blame me." I said organizing my stuff. I set my shoes and shocks aside and closed the locker shut.

"I'll clean the rest tomorrow, I'm starving. " I said standing up. I turned to Jungsu, "Have you eaten??" "Yeah, I have practice right now so I'll text you later!!" I nodded and he walked away.

I was glad Jungsu and I on good terms already, I was still afraid that things will be awkward between us after what had happened. I smiled as he walked away.

"Earth to Hanuel." Minho said waving his hands in front of my face. "Huh?? Oh yeah what??" I looked at him.

"Too distracted looking at others to pay attention to your-" I put my hands on his mouth. "We are in the company dummy, keep it down."

He shoved my hands away and turned around and folded his arms across his chest, why is he so childish oh my god.

I walked in front of him and put my hands on his face. "Okok, I won't do it again ok??" he pouted and I chuckled. "Your so cute when your jealous." "I'm not jealous what do you mean."

"Sure you aren't." I said picking up my hoodie on the ground and wearing it over my shirt. "I'm eating with my members today to celebrate promotions being over, I'll text you later ok??"

"Your texting me and not Jungsu right??" He asked with his voice filled with jealousy. I rolled my eyes, this boy was even more childish then Jungsu. "Yes yes, I'll text you and you only happy now??"

He smiled and nodded and we went our separate ways as he have practice after this too.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jungsu POV.

I watched as they walked away, my fist clenched. My face hardened. All the times I watched the two of them together just makes me want to slap myself. What if, I had not gotten drunk that day. What if, I was just a little bit braver.

I took a deep breathe and looked at the incoming text from my phone.


" have you made your decision??"

It was from yoorim. I thought back at what I saw just now and all the times I saw them together, a mixture of hatred, jealousy and bitterness bubbled within me.


"we have a deal."

"On one condition"

"We don't hurt Hanuel."

Forgive me for my selfishness Hanuel...

A/N: uhm. :)

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