chapter 3

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" why does this kyujin always make me get her stuff does she not have legs??" I groaned as I got out of the house later that night. Kyujin was craving a very specific brand of milk and I had to get it for her even if i am tired from practice.

"We are all tired" Haewon said. "Yeah plus I have school and you don't " Kyujin said. The problem is, the grocery store near our dorm ran out of stock and I had to go to the next nearest grocery store.

I wanted to just go home and tell kyujin the milk wasn't in stock but i know she wouldn't let me breathe after it. So I made my way to the next one. When i entered the store, I looked for the dairy section and when I reached for the jug of milk, another hand reached for it at the same time.

"i'm so sorry- minho oppa??"

It was Minho.

"Haneul??" he asked shocked. "what are you doing here??"

"Kyujin was craving a VERY specific brand of milk and I was the person she chose to go and get it."

i rolled my eyes as i put the milk in my cart.

" I have a few things to get as well so i am not complaining."

i looked at his cart, "what about you???"

" Ah this?? I found a cool recipe on the internet and i wanted to try it out."

I nodded and it was just us awkwardly standing beside our shopping carts.

"where are you heading next??" he asked me breaking our awkwardness.

" Oh i'm pretty much done, I just need to pay." "Same let's go."

when we were checking out, I reached to my pocket for my wallet and to my horror, I forgot my wallet at home.

" what's wrong??" Minho asking reading the horror in my face.

"I forgot my wallet at home..."

I was busy panicking and thinking of a solution when minho pulled his card out and gave to the cashier.

"i'll pay for it." he said.

"Omo, are you both a couple??? You look so cute together."

I shook my head immediately.

"ah no, We are just colleagues-"

"colleagues don't buy groceries together, it's fine if your shy you know."

"no, really we are just-" i looked at Minho for support and he avoided eye contact as he was collecting my things from the counter.

The cashier handed me the receipt and smiled. "last long!!"

I smacked my forehead and ran to catch up with Minho.

" Why didn't you say anything?? you know we are not that kind of relationship!!!"

"what kind of relationship??"

he asked looking at me

" you know???"

he stared at me blankly

" you know, boyfriend and girlfriend..."

i blushed at that and looked away, he laughed.

"what's so funny??"

"Nothing, it's just seeing you desperately trying to explain just now, it was so funny."

wait a second, my hands were empty...

" OH NO!!" I gasped.

He gave me a confused look.

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