chapter 2

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" No freaking way..." chan gasped.

oh no, my stomach churned uneasily,i feel like running up to them and throwing his phone off the building and then migrate to another country and never see him ever again.

"wait a minute, it's only the two of us here..." Minho said and turned to look at chan, one brow raised. Chan blinked,confused then came to realization what minho meant. "IT'S NOT ME I SWEAR-" he exclaimed trying to defend himself. Minho looked at him suspiciously.

"You have been acting strange lately, I know I act fruity but I am not-" I bit my lips trying hard to not laugh. "IT'S NOT ME, I DONT EVEN HAVE THE APP DOWNLOADED." "let me see your phone then." Minho asked stretching his hand out.

Chan smacked his hand away. " NO ITS MY PRIVACY" "then i'm just going to keep believing that you-" "BUT I REALLY DONT" it was honestly hilarious watching those two fight Chan's . I let out a relieved sigh. At least they wouldn't know

Suddenly i felt a sneeze rise up my nose. Oh no,keep it in keep it in...i pinched my nose, desperately trying to stop the sneeze. "AAAHHH-AHHHCHOO" I suddenly let out the loudest sneeze in the history of sneezes and I heard the other side become dead quiet.

Oh.My.Freaking.God. I looked around to look for places to hide but i have nowhere. I ran to the door on the other side but itwas locked and I had no time to grab the key. I heard footsteps coming from the other side and before I could react, the divider was yanked open and the two of them stood before looking at me with a shocked expression.

"Haneul???" Chan asked eyes widened.He took a look at Minho's phone and then at me. " IT'S NOT ME" i blurted out without thinking. "But I didn't even say anything??" Minho asked with a questioned face. Chan was trying not to laugh. "Ohhhhh....." " uhm, I-I mean- I was just passing by here and I heard noises so I came by to check-" "But the other door is locked isn't it??" Chan asked.

Crap. "Uhm..oh wow, look at the time, I remember I am meeting Kyunjin and jungsu for breakfast, uhm,see you later for practice guys!! " i said and ran past them grabbed my phone and bag and ran out of there.

Oh my god, how the hell am I supposed to face him during practice later. I opened my phone and deleted the love alarm app. Never downloading this stupid thing EVER again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

" PFTTT HAHAHAHHAHA OH MY GOD THAT IS HILARIOUS" Kyujin burst out laughing. " Can you stop laughing i'm embarrassed enough as it is" I said slamming my head on the cafe table. " Did he say anything about it though???" Jungsu asked.

"No!! i'm scared that practice would be awkward later especially at that part." i groaned. "No ok but the part where leeknow oppa thought it was chan oppa rang his love alarm, it was hilarious."Kyujin said in between laughs and I gave her a judgmental look and turned to Jungsu.

"what am i going to do now..." i looked at the clock on the wall. "Practice starts in 20.." "But what is THE part that you both were talking about though??" Jungsu questioned. "OH YOU DIDNT KNOW??" Kyujin started excitedly. Jungsu shook his head. "Basically it's this part where like Unnie have to walk away and like leeknow oppa will like grab her hand and like pull her towards romantic...." she said clapping her hands together and put on a dreamy look.

I smacked her on the head "stop it oh my god, i'm already super embarrassed" I groaned. "I mean, you can, cut it out right???" Jungsu asked,I looked at him and his expression was unreadable, it was weird and I just blinked at him. "I mean since your like very embarrassed and stuff." "I don't think Mrs kim would like it, the duet itself is already super last minute..." I turned to kyujin and pointed my straw at her. " she got me into this mess"

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