chapter 11

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The next days passed by in a blur, I was constantly bumping into Everglow in the music shows hallways and the look she gave me always made me want to punch her. That stupid smirk. That stupid picture in her damm phone.

She didn't post that picture anywhere currently but  I was constantly worried that she would show someone and it would spread everywhere. Knowing her, she would not be that nice to just keep it to herself.

We had M countdown today and I was very surprised when the Mc's announced we won against everglow. I was ecstatic as the mc handed Haewon the trophy and we each made a speech.

We had an amazing encore afterwards, interacting with our fans and singing with each other. At backstage we passed by Everglow and everyone congratulated us and we shook hands.

Yoorim pulled me aside, gave me her signature sweet smile said, "Hey, can you give me your boyfriend's number??" I glared at her. " And why the fuck would I do that for??" I clenched my fists as she leaned on the wall and looked at her nails.

"Oh you know, so maybe the picture would not leak??" She looked up from her nails and smirked. I felt my breathe getting heavier, I wanted to slap her so badly. "Honestly, why are you doing this?? I thought we put our past behind us a long time ago."

"You did, I did not and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have be needed to move to a smaller company, I had everything to debute and you are here, being in my spot and being together with the person I liked for years." She leaned close to me "I am going to take back what was mine." she glared at me.

I stood there shocked. I did not know she hated me this much. "Look it wasn't my fault you were moved to yuehua but how the fuck was it my problem??" "Everyone loved you, everyday, the exces would just be talking about how talented you are, how you were "Made for the idol life", even Minho thought you were the best. You stole my spotlight!!"

This girl was ridiculous, I didn't even know what to say. " But-" before I could say anything, she stormed off angrily and left me there in shock.

Kyujin ran up to me. "What happened??" she asked watching Yoorim slam the Everglow waiting room shut. "Nothing, it's just that I don't have a good feeling about this..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I was at the vocal room, sitting in the corner of the room, overthinking about whatever happened just now when the door opened and in came Jungsu. He was holding his song writing notebook and a pen.

"Oh, hey." "hey." I said standing up. "Here to think again??" I just avoided eye contact and nodded. During trainee days, I would always hide in the vocal room and just do nothing but stare the walls. I still remembered I scared Jungsu so much the first time he caught me here.

He came beside me and sat down. "How have you been recently??" The moment he said that I felt tears welling up my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong??" he said wiping my tears from my cheeks. Instead of ignoring him like I would have, I just found myself telling him everything that happened lately, the photo, Yoorim, everything.

When I was done, I just brought my legs to my chest and sniffled silently. It felt good to finally let it out. Jungsu just looked at me and put his arms around me and brought me close to him. My head was on his chest as my tears soaked his shirt.

"It's ok, everything is going to be ok." He said. He voice somehow calmed me down and I just said nothing and just wiped my tears on my hoodie's sleeve.

I pulled away from him. I have a boyfriend, I need to stop this. "Sorry" I said standing up again and "thanks for listening to me, I will see you around." I stood up to leave but he grabbed me by the wrist.

"No wait" He said as I looked at him. "I just wanted to say how I am sorry about what happened, I am happy for you, truly from the bottom of the heart." "Thanks, that really means a lot coming from you." I smiled meekly.

He was still holding onto my wrist so I just used my free hand to put his hand down and opened the door and walked out of the room.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jungsu P.O.V.

The cafe door opened and I saw her step in, she was wearing head to toe in black and when she saw me sitting in the corner she walked over immediately and sat down next to me.

"So." she said removing her hat and putting it on the table and ruffling her hair. "Why did Mr Emo guy ask me to meet him." I motioned her to order something do drink but she raised her left eyebrow, scoffed and leaned back on her chair.

"Cut the crap, my time is precious." "Ok fine if you insist." I paused and looked at her. "Can you please stop-" "Bothering Hanuel  and leave her alone blah blah blah, I knew it." She rolled her eyes. " Aishh fuck that, why does everyone just want to protect her?? she isn't even that good."

"She is my best friend and I don't want to see her suffer." She looked at me up and down for a second. Then she leaned in. "I know why your doing this..." "W-why" I stuttered nervously.

"Come on, the entire world knows you are head over heels in love with her." She said smirking. I felt my body heat up. "W-what are you talking about??" She ignored me "How about this, you and I, we should form an alliance."

I raised my eyebrows. "what do you mean??" "Oh you know exactly what I mean..." She looked at her nails. "Both of us have the same goal..."

"How about, I help you win Hanuel and you help me win over Minho..." upon hearing that I slammed my fist on the table and stood up and leaned towards her. People were turning to stare at us but I did not care.

"No." I said in a low voice. "Absolutely not...I do not want to risk my friendship with her. How can you do that to someone?? are you even human??"

She looks unbothered so I stood up to leave and she called, "I mean, the offers here, text me if you ever change your mind!!"

I paused for a moments before pushing the door open to leave, from the corner of my eyes, I can still see her smirk.

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