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Steven Grant is awakened one morning by the sound of his alarm blaring through his ears. With a groan, he reluctantly unties his foot and gets out of the bed, leaving a footprint in the sand ring on the floor. He checks to blue painters tape on the door, and upon realizing it hadn't been tampered with, he peels it off and rolls it into a ball. He tosses it into the rubbish bin and gets ready to start his day. He dawns a button up shirt, accompanied by jeans and a dark jacket. As he walks over to his fish tank, he picks up his phone and brings it to his ear.

" Ello, mum," He says as he pours the fish food into the tank, " Just getting ready for work. I just fed Gus, hey Gus," he waves at the one-finned fish, " I actually slept pretty good last night. I mean, my head is still killing me, but I felt... I felt pretty good," he holds the phone with his shoulder as he grabs his bags, " One of my neighbor's likes to play the piano. They're bloody good... whoever they are. I dunno Never met em," he walks out of his flat, locks the door, and heads to the elevator, " I didn't even know there was a 6th floor," he departs from the elevator and exits the building, and is met with the man selling rakes and brooms once more," Hey, mate," he walks down the street at a quick pace in order to catch the bus, " Anyways, I've gotta go. I'll call you again soon. Laters gators."

Meanwhile, Cleo lays in her bed, face flat against the pillow, quiet snores escaping her mouth. The time is inconsequential to her, for the only thing that matters is sleep.

 The time is inconsequential to her, for the only thing that matters is sleep

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That is until Ana decides to jump on the bed and sit down on her chest. Cleo stirs awake and barely opens her eyes to see a ball of black fur staring down at her. Cleo rolls her eyes, but stays still. The minute her eyes close, Ana begins to purr and rub her head against her cheek, and Cleo can't help but smile.

Cleo takes the hint and sits up in her bed. She grabs her phone on the bedside table, and notices she forgot to turn on her alarms last night. She sighs, and could've sworn that she remembered to set them. But, she shakes it off and goes about her morning. She goes through all the steps to get ready, breakfast, coffee, Ana, shower, makeup, clothes. She puts on her shoes and grabs her bag, then heads for the door. She locks it behind her and makes her way out of the building that appears abandoned from the outside. She gets into a cab, and the cab takes her all the way to work. She pays the fare and gets out of the cab. She walks down the rough ground in front of the museum, her boots splashing in a puddle and getting covered in the murky water. She enters the museum, and her eyes catch a glimpse of something that makes her turn her head. She sees one of the security guards on his phone watching what looks like otter videos. The man looks up and sees her watching him. His cheeks flush as he clears his throat and puts his phone back into his pocket. Cleo offers him a gentle and then goes on her way. She walks all the way to the back of the museum. She swipes her key card to unlock the doors, and when she opens the door to her own office, she sees someone sitting at her desk. The man looks up when he hears the door open, and smiles once he sees who it is.

" Cleo!" The man exclaims and stands up to hug her, while her arms remain at her sides, " How've you been, habibi?"

As the man pulls away, Cleo's eyes look up at his, her eyebrows furrowing as her eyes flicker back and forth between his.

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