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I can remember when we walked together
Sharing a love I thought would last forever

Moonlight to show the way so we can follow
Waiting inside her eyes was my tomorrow

Then something changed her mind, her kisses told me
I had no loving arms to hold me

Steven's eyes slowly blink open in the flat only illuminated by the wondering street lights and the ever so rising sun. With a sigh, he comes to terms with waking up.

Every day I wake up, then I start to break up
Lonely is a man without love

He sits up in his bed, the finish rubix cube falling down to the floor as the covers move with his body.

Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love

He gazes around wearily, making sure that he is truly awake and familiar with his surroundings. He flips the covers off to reveal his restrained ankle. He pulls on the restraint, just making sure that is hasn't been tampered with. He removes his restraints and climbs out of bed, his eyes fixating on the floor, staring as if to find a clue. But he finds nothing, and his first step of the day leaves a foot print in the ring of beige sand surrounding his bed.

Every day I wake up, then I start to break up
Knowing that it's cloudy above

Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love

He goes to the front door and places his finger along the rough fabric of the blue painters tape to make sure that the seal is unbroken. Once satisfied, he peels it off and rolls it into a ball to place into the rubbish bin.

I cannot face this world that's fallen down on me
So if you see my girl, please send her home to me

Tell her about my heart that's slowly dying
Say I can't stop myself from crying

Steven is quick to get dressed for work, opting for a button down with blue patterns and a simple grey coat. His body goes about its routine normally while his mind is off drifting in the clouds about the woman upstairs. He grabs his phone and presses it to his ear as he grabs a bottle of fish food and pours it into the tank.

" Morning, Gus. My little one-finned wonder," He announced happily, " Hello, mum. It's me. Just checkin in. I got your postcard, putting it up on Gus' tank now," the phone now lodged between his ear and shoulder as his hands grab the postcard and a thumbtack to pin up and dawn the tank along with the countless others, " Yeah, it's very nice. He is fuming though. Keeps asking why I don't take him anywhere nice," a chuckle leaves his lips as his nose crinkles, " Maybe one day, right? He'd love to get out there, but it's a bit hard with one fin, innit? Anyway, mum, all's well here. Not too bad. Still wake up every morning still feeling like I got hit by a bus. Cleo's music does help me fall asleep but... I dunno... I-I don't wanna ask too much of her. Don't want her to think I'm a loon."

Steven walks out of his flat and out of the building earlier than he should, all just for a cup of coffee.

" But, mum, she's... Cleo is just... wow," He sighs, " We're not, like, together or anything... at least I don't think so?" he ponders as he walks up to the coffee shop, the barista now seeing him as a regular and putting in his order without him having to speak it, " I-I quite fancy her, though," he pays for the drinks and grabs ahold of the carrier and walks out of the little shop, " I've been thinking about taking her on a proper date, perhaps? Loved the know if you have any advice for that," he gets closer to the front door of the building, " Anyways, sorry I missed you, mum. I'll try you again tomorrow. Laters, gators."

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