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Steven's day at work, for possibly the first time, is somewhat enjoyable. His spirits are lifted just knowing that he actually has a date. He has a date. Someone actually likes him enough to go out with him. It sends butterflies to his stomach and makes him smile all day. So much that his cheeks grow sore. It's on his mind all day. He deals with customers happily, but he's not entirely present with them. His mind ponders about his upcoming date and mentally plans for what he should do.

But, of course, Donna has other plans. She sees how happy he is out front, then decides to drag him to the back for inventory. Steven complies with her orders and follows her with ease. They're surrounded by open boxes that are either half full or completely empty and stacks of paperwork lying about, along with countless posters that are yet to be hung up.

Donna uses her scanner to scan the barcodes for products, then aimlessly tells Steven to hand her another box of hippo plushies.

" Taweret. The hippo, Goddess Taweret," He comments as he picks up the box and places it on the white table, " Oh, Donna, that reminds me. When I was coming in this morning, I saw the banners outside."

" And that's what made you late for work again, was it?" Donna taunts as she moves the box to another table.

" No, sorry about that," Steven says as he moves over to grab another box and places it next to her.

" Third time this week you've shuffled in like a lazy sod," She continues with her remark, despite it being wildly inappropriate for the work place.

" I know," He mumbles.

" That's why you'll be on inventory this week. Well done," Donna says, excited to dish out a punishment to her least favorite employee.

Steven sighs, but he doesn't argue.

" All right. Aye, aye, Captain," He mock salutes, deeply wishing that Cleo was present and able to tell Donna off again, or at least that he had her confidence and ability to stand up.

But instead, Steven takes it. He takes the cruel and unusual remarks from his boss. He avoids confrontation at all costs, especially when doing so could make a bad situation worse.

" I wanted to tell you that the banners and the posters of the Ennead," Steven says, quickly changing the subject as he walks over to the poster that leans against a stack of boxes.

" The what?" Donna asks.

" The Ennead. You know, like, the super group of Egyptian gods? You got Horus, Osiris, Tefnut..."

" Stop, please. If this is some weird audition to tour guide here, the answer's still no."

" No, what I'm trying... That's actually crushing to hear," He says with a frown, but still continues to get his point across," But, um, what I'm trying to point out... I'm not trying to slag off marketing, but there's been a major blunder because they've got seven gods here, and the Ennead has nine."

" I fired two of 'em for being late. Listen, if you don't stop natterin' at me, I swear I'll shove you in a sarcophagus. You can tell the bloody pharoh in there what's wrong with them and all. Go on."

Steven sadly puts the poster down, and as he goes to exit the room, he accidentally knocks over some boxes. He tries his best to fix it, but Donna just berates him and tells him to leave.

He glumly moves back to his spot at the gift shop, his mood damped by his boss, as per usual. He rings up customers like normal, but his face has lost his smile, that is until a little girl comes up to the register with a little figurine of the Queen Cleopatra. It makes Steven's eyes light up and brings the smile back to his lips. Once the little girl leaves and goes back to her father, Steven leaves the counter to grab one of the figurine's for himself. He rings himself up and uses him employee discount, and then places the figurine into his bag for later.

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