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Panic spreads through her body as she oh so desperately clings to the shared body of the men who've captured her heart. Cleo focuses on their body, and only that. Her hands grip their biceps with an iron grip, refusing to let go, even as they slip and fall down the dune of sand.

And yet, the sand seems to stick to her. It latches on to her skin like metal to a magnet. It doesn't dare falter, but rather is lingers all around as her mind attempts to free itself of her incoherent thoughts.

Her lungs bare the weight of the air as her breath is rigid and tense.

Layla soon slides down the dune of sand and rushes to her side to pull her up and away from the danger that Cleo's been oblivious to this entire time. She had no idea that Harrow's men were soon approaching.

Layla wraps her arms under Cleo's and drags her over to the truck as fast as she can, all while Cleo absolutely refuses to let go of the unconscious body with multiple identities.

Layla drops Cleo and attempts to shield her as the bullets come flying, but Cleo acts quicker and latches her legs around Marc and Steven's body to roll them both underneath the truck. She pears out to see multiple cars with multiple men coming in hot, and lets out an exasterbated groan. She presses a gentle kiss on their forehead before she lets go of the body and rolls out from underneath the truck. She sees Layla hiding from the lights of the cars as the men search for them both. And as the lights come closer and closer, Cleo grabs onto her wrist and pulls her to the trunk where they quickly climb in and lower their bodies as must as possible as to not be detected nor caught.

The lights flash through the glass of the window and only adds to their pounding hearts. The men call to each other in their native tongues, waiting for one to slip up.

But they're far too smart for that.

The lights fly by on the other side, and they wait for the men's backs to be turned before they sit up. As Cleo peers out the front window, Layla opens a box full of flares, and as soon as she grabs it, Cleo and her lock eyes and manage to have an entire conversation with just one look.

They climb out of the Jeep and stand their ground. Layla ignites the flare and holds it in her right hand, the smoking red flame casting her in a magnificent light. It catches the attention of the men, and soon enough their car turns around and speeds towards them as bullets fly once more. They rush back towards the Jeep where they drop the flare as a distraction and hide behind it, and once the car rolls close enough, Cleo ignites another flare and tosses it into the bed of the men's truck where countless boxes of ammo lay. The men don't notice until it's too late. Their car explodes and sends shrapnel flying it all directions, and Layla reaches for Cleo once more to pull her out of harms way. They shield their bodies as the car sparks and shatters, waiting for an ounce of silence before they even dare move.

The two women peer over the side of the Jeep before standing up straight to get a look of their good work, but when Cleo turns her head over her shoulder, she's met with the confused gaze of a nervous Britt.

A breath of pure relief escape her lungs as an adoring smile dawns her lips.

Cleo instantly leaps forward to bring him into her arms, resting her head on his chest as she nearly squeezes the life out of him from her strength.

" Um, love... I-I don't mean to be a knob, but... I-I can't really... breath," Steven croaks through his strained muscles.

" Sorry!" Cleo exclaims as she retracts her limps, earning a desperate gasp of air from him.

She allows a few seconds to pass while Steven catches his breath.

" Are you..."

" Good?"

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