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Cleo Hassan.

Cleo Hassan.

Cleo Hassan.

A name unable to leave his mind, even as the boom voice rings through his ears.

" Forgotten about the wife already?"

" Ex-wife," Marc quips as he goes to untie his leg.

He leaves the bed, careful to not make a print in the sand ring surrounding it. He changes out of Steve's pajamas and into his own clothes, covered by a thick navy blue jacket. He grabs the keys, peels the blue tape from the door and exits the flat and goes to the elevator. The dim florescent lights begin to flicker as the God grows impatient.

" Can't these things move any faster?"

Marc rolls his eyes and waits patiently for the elevator to reach the bottom floor where he leaves the building behind in order to be of service.

" Where are we going this time?" Marc asks.

He's gotten so used to obeying and serving, that he finds himself not asking why he does the things he does, or why an Egyptian God even needs the help of a mere mortal. But, Marc swore to protect the traveler's of the night on behalf of Khonshu, and his service is far from over.

All while serving a God, Marc wants to keep this away from Steve. In fact, he keeps himself from Steven, desperately wanting to preserve his innocence. He wants Steven to live a happy, normal life, even if that means Marc will suffer.

And Konshu doesn't mind, as long as Marc continues to prove himself useful, he doesn't much pay mind to the 'worm'.

Under the lustrous escape of the moon light, Marc listens to Khonshu, obeying his commands, no questions asked, and thankfully he's able to return home a few hours later, something that has become a rare commodity. Marc has gone days away from home, all while listening to the compelling voice of the bird. He walks up to the building, his journey almost complete. As Marc uses his keys to along the front door, his eyes trail over to the large list of tenant names by the buzzer, and at the very top, he finds the one his mind fixated on.

C. Hassan.

Perhaps it was someone else, but that would be an awfully big coincidence. Too big.

Marc enters the building, and therefore after the elevator. As he stands and waits for it to reach his floor, his mind ponders over the name again and again and again, almost to the point of obsession. And even has the elevator reaches his floor, his body walks towards the door while his mind remains occupied. He unlocks the door. He opens it and enters the flat. He closes the door and locks all the locks. He grabs the roll of blue tape and puts a piece along the seal of the door. He changes back into the exact pajamas he changed out of earlier. He hops over the sand ring to get in bed. He places the restraint back on his foot.

His body does all of this on auto-pilot while his mind combs over the singular name, as if it's the only two words he knows.

Cleo Hassan.

Cleo Hassan.

Cleo Hassan.

He finds himself unable to figure out what exactly is so captivating-- it's just a name. A name of a person he's seemingly never met, and yet a name that feels all too familiar.

" Now you're beginning to sound like the worm."

The booming voice of the God seems to be the only thing able to take Marc's mind off the name, despite how annoying he finds the bird.

" No... I'm nothing like him."

As Marc goes to fall asleep, the God leaves him be, up until the next time his assistance is needed. Marc keeps a straight face, but feels an overwhelming urge to frown at the lack of music from upstairs. He's jealous that Steven is able to peacefully be lulled to sleep by the heavenly wonders being produced by the neighbor. He's almost resentful of Steven for having a moment of peace that Marc is unable to. All because of the God.

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