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The moment Steven makes it inside his flat, a gentle laugh leaves his lips, his smile never once fading. He's finally done it. He's met the neighbor upstairs. He's seen the source of the heavenly music that blesses his ears every night. The music that brings some peace to his troublesome and lonely life. While he doesn't exactly mind the privacy, he sure would argue against any company.

Unless, of course, that company is Donna.

All the way from the flat above his, Cleo is greeted by her cat who lovingly rubs against her legs as she kicks off her shoes. She peels off her coat, and her right hand moves to her back pocket where she feels the amulet still sitting snug against her bum. She grabs the paper its covered by and places it atop the smooth black surface of her piano as she goes to sit down.

Steven is giddy to get into a bed, like a child awaiting a bedtime story. Of course he goes through all his steps in order to prevent 'sleep walking', but he nearly springs into bed, not daring to miss the music. His eyes stare up at the ceiling as he twiddles his thumbs, trying to wait patiently as his heart thumps within his chest.

Cleo closes her eyes and straightens her spine on the piano bench. Deep breath in, deep breath out. She keeps her eyes closed as her hands raise up to touch the piano keys. They begin to gently dance along the surface, eliciting a satisfying tune from within. But tonight, the music gets interrupted by a phone call. Despite wanting to ignore it, Cleo thinks about how much she hates it when people ignore her calls, so she goes to answer the phone, taking her hands away from the piano and halting the music.

From down bellow, Steven frowns from the lack of music. He was so close to falling asleep, and now cannot stop his racing thoughts from its abrupt termination.

" Hello?" Cleo asks as she puts the phone up to her ear, not recognizing the number that called.

" How'd you like my gift, habibati?"

The voice laced with arrogance and a smirk so big you can hear it through his words only makes her wish she never picked up.

" Is it really a gift if I found it, you took it, and then years later decided to give it back?" She asks as she tilts her head.

And Baahir just laughs.

" Sarcasm. That's not like you."

" Learned it from you, ghabiun (idiot)"

" Have you thought about my offer?"

" The one where you have no idea where you're going for something I have no idea about? I'm not that same young, gullible person you met all that time ago."

" Aren't you? I seem to remember a woman who was completely captivated with Ancient Egypt and would give an arm and a leg for a dig site."

" Things change."

" You don't."

" People change, too."

" Then why do you still wear that same perfume?"

Cleo pauses, needing to blink a few times to process his words.

" Chanel number 5... oui?"

"... Oui," Cleo responds hastily.

" Wasn't that your mother's favorite?" He asks, only adding alcohol to the open wound of her memories, " Dad bought for her for her birthday, she would only let you wear it for your birthday--"

" You don't have to prove anything, Baahir," She says, interrupting him for she desperately wants his line of thoughts to end, " We're gone through all this before... it is irrelevant to the conversation at hand. Now, will you please explain the reason for your call?"

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