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It cannot be.

It has to be in her head.

Perhaps she is losing her mind.

She couldn't possibly share the soul with an Ancient Egyptian Queen.

She once believed that humans were made of matter and nothing more, but given everything that's happened in the world over the past 10 years... is it really that far out there of an idea?

When Thanos erased half of the population of the universe, he did so using a cosmic force known as the Infinity Stones.

Six singularities that create the known universe.






And soul.

The soul stone is the least known of the six, but its existence is real.

If the soul stone does exist, that means humans do in fact carry souls.

Maybe Cleo isn't crazy.

Maybe what she heard is true.

Maybe her dream wasn't just a dream.

But alas, despite her life long fantasy of being a hero, her mind is one trapped by logic.

If it cannot be proven, she doesn't believe it.

And while this explanation is one that is truly fascinating, it is yet to be proven.

Cleo rummages through her closet, desperately trying to find something that's been lost to her for many years. Hidden deep within an old cardboard box, she finds her old tarot card set designed to resemble ancient Egypt.  She brushes off the dust that it's collected over the years. She sits with legs crossed and feet tucked under her thighs as she opens the deck.

It seems silly. For a none believer to partake in the art of tarot. For her, it used to be a game of chance, but perhaps now it could shed some light to her situation.

Cleo closes her eyes as she shuffles the cards in her hands. Over and over she shuffles, creating more and more possibilities. She picks up one card and brings it upwards, she opens her eyes to see Death.

Transformation, change, spiritual transformation.

She sets the card down on the wooden floor in front of her, closes her eyes and shuffles and shuffles until she pulls another card. Queen of Wands.

Strong, passionate, chaotic.

Then she pulls one more card from her deck. Wheel of Fortune.

Good luck, decisive moments, soulmates.

She places all of the cards down on the floor in front of her. They're all upright, which some interpret to be good. With her knowledge of tarot, her eyes fixate on the cards in front of her as her mind pulls the information from her memory.

Physical death from natural causes or from taking known risks. Loss in game of chance. A point of crisis past which life will change for better or for worse.

Blessings in disguise. A mature, confident and energetic woman. A woman with assertiveness and sex appeal.

What goes around comes around.

It is not you who reads the cards, but the cards who read you. It is never an exact representation of your past, present or future, but rather one possible outcome.

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