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But he never called.

A week has gone by, and Steven never called.

But in his defense, he was just asleep.

He has no idea what happened in the hall.

When he woke up the next morning in his own bed, he convinced himself that it was all a dream.

Of course it what a dream.

There's no way anyone would ever have been that kind to him.

Or wanted to spend time with him.

It's more likely than it was an illusion his mind cast rather than a reality.

And just to be sure, he checks his phone, and sure enough her number is nowhere to be found.

To him that means none of it was real, but to Marc it means he just deleted the number.

Steven went about his week like normal, but never goes above the 5th floor.

All while Cleo waited patiently.

She waited for him to call.

But he never did.

She didn't have a way to contact him, so she waited.

She figured he would call eventually.

She figured he would call when he's ready.

But for seven days and seven nights, her mind couldn't get the nervous Brit out of her mind.

" And he lives in your building, correct?" Dr. Kaufman asks.

Cleo sits on the couch in the office of her therapist, nearly halfway through their weekly session.

" Correct," Cleo confirms.

" Why haven't you gone down to his flat?"

" Because he hasn't called."

" And why is that stopping you?"

" Because... because I don't know if he'd want me to."

" Do you want to?"

Cleo pauses once the question is asked. Her constant wondering over her neighbor would suggest that yes, she does want to. That she does want to go down the flight of stairs and knock on his door and... and...

She just wants to see him. To talk to him.

" Yes," Cleo says truthfully as she looks the woman in the eyes, " I do."

" Then I have something for you to do," Dr. Kaufman says as sh closes her notebook and leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees, " Today, when you go home... just knock on his door. That's it," she waits patiently for a response, but it never comes, " Alright?"

Cleo gives a subtle nod in replacement of words. And this time, it's the therapist who notices that their time is up for their session. Cleo exits the office and faces the brisk London air. As she walks down the street to go back home, her mind combs over the words from Dr. Kaufman. To just go and knock on his door. That's all. That all she has to do, and yet she finds it to be a difficult task.

 That all she has to do, and yet she finds it to be a difficult task

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