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No longer is it Steven in control of the body.

No longer is it Marc in control of the body either.

Alas, it is someone else entirely.

As Cleo and the others stand in the cave, a transformation begins to ripple through the shared body. The energy shifts, the essence of the person in control morphing into someone entirely different. The air crackles with anticipation as the presence of a new alter takes hold.

And then, as the haze of the transformation dissipates, his eyes all but light up as he stares as Cleo in the flesh, even if her gaze is one of confusion.

" Who are you?" She asks in a voice calm yet firm.

" Un otro," The man responds simply, his voice laced with an accent.

" Quíen?" Cleo asks once more, the Spanish flowing effortlessly off her tongue.

" Jake," He utters.

Cleo's brows furrow as she processes the man's response. She remains cautious. This sudden arrival of another alter, with his intense gaze fixed upon her, raises her guard.

"¿Qué quieres, Jake?(What do you want, Jake?)" Cleo asks, her voice steady, yet tinged with wariness.

Jake's lips curl into a sly smile, his eyes never leaving Cleo's face.

"Te quiero a ti (I want you)" He declares, his voice filled with an intoxicating blend of desire and confidence.

Cleo's eyes narrow, her voice turning stern.

"No puedes simplemente reclamarme (You can't just claim me)" She retorts, her words dripping with defiance, "No soy una posesión para ser ganada o salvada (I am not a possession to be won or saved)"

Jake's smile widens, undeterred by Cleo's resistance. He takes a step closer, invading her personal space, his presence looming over her.

"Pero puedo salvarte  (But I can save you)" He whispers, his voice thick with a mix of seduction and certainty, "Puedo protegerte de la oscuridad que acecha dentro de ti. Solo tienes que dejarme entrar (I can protect you from the darkness that lurks within. You just have to let me in)"

Cleo's eyes flash with determination, her voice laced with a steely resolve.

"No necesito que nadie me salve (I don't need anyone to save me)" She asserts, her voice filled with a resolute independence, "Soy lo suficientemente fuerte como para enfrentar mis propios demonios (I am strong enough to face my own demons)"

Jake's expression darkens for a moment, but then a predatory glint enters his eyes, and he takes another step closer, his voice dropping to a low, almost menacing tone.

"Pero Cleo, mi vida, no conoces la extensión de lo que acecha dentro de ti (But Cleo, my life, you don't know the extent of what lurks within you)" He murmurs, his words a seductive caress.

Cleo's pulse quickens, a mix of apprehension and defiance swirling within her. She meets Jake Lockley's intense gaze with unwavering determination.

"No necesito tu  (I don't need you)" she retorts, her voice ringing with defiance.

Jake Lockley's smile fades, replaced by a look of frustration and intrigue.

"Eres una criatura fascinante (You are a fascinating creature), He concedes, his voice tinged with a begrudging respect, "Pero recuerda esto, la oscuridad siempre estará esperando, y cuando finalmente te des cuenta de la magnitud de lo que realmente eres, estaré aquí, listo para guiarte (But remember this, the darkness will always be waiting, and when you finally realize the extent of what you truly are, I'll be here, ready to guide you)"

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