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"I was dying to see you, love."

Preeta shuddered at his words. They were seeing each other after a whole month. He was angry because of Prithvi as she had observed the mocking tone in his words.

"You know this. Right? That we are getting married." Preeta looked at Karan all confused. What was he implying? Nonetheless, she hesitantly nodded while blinking nervously.

"Then, why he didn't knew about us? Why had you kept him in a false hope, Preeta?"

She widen her eyes at his questions. He was blaming her for all the scenario. He was partly right but it never meant that she actually wanted that. She was confused. She glared at him.

"He is my friend, Mr. Luthra. He was already hoping me to accept him. But knowing that I have been trapped in your cleverness, I had denied. Its not my fault that he wasn't accepting it." Saying this, she hadn't even turned her face to front when suddenly Karan held her chin with his right hand tightly.

Gripping it roughly, he made her look in her eyes. His face was angry but Preeta noticed frustration in his eyes. "I had a business site to visit here in Delhi. Thought I would check up on my beautiful fiance. I was dying to see you, meet you, Preeta. But what I saw then? My fiance getting dragged by a hormonal immature boy. Is this how you were living here away from my eyes?"

Preeta felt tears pooling her eyes again. Her lips had been in a pout since Karan was holding her chin. Seeing her tears, he immediately left her face and looked away. Banging his hand on the steering wheel, he cursed in anger. He shook his head. He wanted to comfort her but didn't knowing she would not accept the gesture.

"Look, I am sorry. Don't cry, Preeta. I had come here to see your smile not these stupid tears. Lets just forget this."

Preeta felt her anger rising at his words. Why was he suddenly being the peacemaker? He blamed everything on her and now, was ending the topic just like that. She couldn't let that happen. She looked at him with teary eyes.

"This is all happening because of you. I don't know what sins I have done that I have been continuously getting forced in everything. My parents want me to marry a dominant, cruel, heartless person like you. I hate you for turning them against me, Mr. Luthra. I wish I had met Prithvi before you. At least, he had been a great friend to me. I know how good a person he is. If you wouldn't have made me helpless, I would have been with him right now."

Her words broke his heart. It was one month after their engagement and she still hated him with passion. No change in her thoughts, her mind. She still didn't want him. But the sadness was covered by anger hearing another man's name. She was engaged for god's sake. Why couldn't she at least give this marriage a try? Same words she had spoken for Arjun too. Why couldn't he become her choice for once? He had been not disturbing her for past months.

Preeta had expected him to shout at her, hurt her, but he was unexpectedly quiet. His nostrils were flaring showing he was hurt and angry with her. But suddenly if nothing happened seconds ago, he started driving towards her home.

She kept on observing him but was afraid if he would burst out on her any moment. But he didn't.

No one spoke.

Both of them were ignoring each other. Feeling the car halt, Preeta noticed her brother's home on the left. It was mid afternoon. She thought if his brother knew he was here. Logically, Karan had broke the traditional of engaged couples not meeting before their wedding while here, they had not only seen each other but fight, argued too.

Preeta shook her head slightly. How would this marriage work with so many bad omens? He was really not a man for being a faithful, lovable husband. She loathed herself for being so weak.

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