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Feeling her heart thumping so loudly, Preeta increased the speed of car. She didn't know that it would take her so much time.

She had thought that her task would be done within two hours but the unnecessary traffic jam had blocked her. She didn't have a good feeling about this. Everytime she had gotten late, something bad had happened. Karan had always been angry.

It's not that there would be extreme argument between them. But she knew, he would somehow show his anger on her being late. Mom was not well at home, Kritika too had not been able to feel normal. Moreover, Karan had said that he would come home soon. How would he feel if he won't find her at home?

Biting her lip in tension, she took a turn and sped up the car. In ten minutes, she had reached the Luthra's mansion. But that wasn't soon when it had turned eight in the evening.

"Crap! I need to prepare dinner too," muttering to herself, she hurriedly picked out the bags from the car.

With a last look at the parked car, she started walking towards the entrance. But her heart was still drowning in fear. She had seen Karan's car parked beside another. When did he get home? Was he in good mood?

So many questions were forming in her mind but keeping her confidence, she finally entered the house. She was arranging the bags as some of the things were of Kritika and hers. Being busy in arranging them, she hadn't noticed the unusual silence in home until she felt being watched.

She immediately looked in the front and gasped when she saw Karan standing there with bloodshot eyes. Behind him, his mother and Kritika were sitting on the sofa with worried expressions covering their faces.

It felt strange but maybe they were just very hungry. She would have let out a nervous laugh and had told them that she would make food for them in minutes. But Karan's bloodshot eyes had caught all her attention.

She gulped and stared at him in worry. "Karan, is everything alright?" she asked while smiling nervously.

She saw his jaws clenching and through gritted teeth, he asked,"Where were you?"

Preeta felt a shiver crawling down her spine. Her smile shrank and she could feel, something was wrong. Very wrong. Her eyes wandered on her mother-in-law who was shaking her head slowly at her. She looked worried and Preeta knew, she shouldn't talk back to Karan. But she couldn't just ignore him too.

She had to answer him. So she looked back at him. "Karan, I had told. I had gone to the mall with Shreya. Is everything okay? You look different," she said with a gulp.

She saw him slowly walking towards her. He was still in his formals. Only that, his tie was loose while he wasn't wearing his blazer. His boots clicked as he took each predatory step. Preeta's stomach churned but she kept herself calm.

"Lie. Tell me the truth, Preeta. Where had you gone?"

Preeta felt disappointed and scared at his tone. Didn't he trust her even? Couldn't he see the shopping bags in her hand?

"Karan, I was in the mall. I had told you," she reasoned while raising the bags a bit.

But Karan's eyes were stoned on her face. His jaws were still clenched and bloodshot eyes seemed angry. Preeta kept on waiting for his reaction but he didn't move or said a word.

"Karan..." She stopped when he threw a bunch of papers on her face harshly. She gasped in shock and looked horrified at her husband. Seeing her husband's act, her mother-in-law​ too got up from the couch and stood behind Karan.

"Karan, dear. Don't..." his mother begged but Karan shook his head.

"No. Let her see the proof of her betrayal. Let me see her face now when I have caught her red-handed," shouted Karan while glaring at her.

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