Chapter 5:Daily Routine

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Arata POV

After I finished looking towards the rising sun, I returned to my office to get ready for the day. I noticed some of the staff and operators were beginning to wake up and begin their daily routines. Some of them were surprised to see me, but I wasn't confident enough to talk to them so all I gave them was a small wave as I passed some of them. I unlocked my office and logged into my computer to see if Amiya already left me any work for the day. But to my surprise, there currently wasn't any work. There was a message by Amiya from yesterday saying that I managed to complete all the necessary work for the entire week. After reading Amiya's note, I noticed that I received a numerous amount of recruitment papers for many operators. Luckily for me, I remembered how to deal with the recruitment process during my free time after yesterday's training drill. Although I didn't expect to receive so many of them. Well better late than ever I guess, I sent out a message to each operator to call them and get acquainted.

A few minutes later....

Alright, I think I've mentally and physically prepared myself for when the first operator I will meet today. Alright, the first operator should be walking in right about now.

"Hello Doktah. I've been looking forward to meeting you. I've heard great things about you." said Female Operator

"Thank you for coming Miss?" I said while extending my hand to the female operator

"Saria, Doktah. Former head of Security at Rhine Labs. Defender Class." said Saria while shaking my hand

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Saria. Do you have any questions you need answered?" I asked while I went over her file

"Yes. I have questions concerning you, Doktah Arata." replied Saria

As expected, I knew the operators would eventually ask me questions about me. Luckily for me, I prepared for that as well. Let's hope I can answer these to the best of my abilities.

"I had a feeling that you would ask that. Ask away Miss Saria." I said

"I'm concerned about how well you can command the operators under your command. I'm aware that of your results in you're assessment test, but I have my doubts." said Saria

"I know and your concern is valid. But don't worry, I'm confident that I can lead the operators efficiently in battle. And if you still have your concerns, I would like to get some insight from you." I said

"Hmm, alright Doktah. I don't have any further questions. I'll take you up on your offer. Before I take my leave, what would be the best way to contact you?" asked Saria as she got up from her seat

"The best way you can contact me would be by visiting my dorm, Miss Saria." I replied

"Alright. Thanks for meeting me, Doktah. Have a good day." said Saria

"Thanks and you too, Saria." I said

And with that, my one on one with an operator went surprisingly well. I should grab a cup of coffee before calling the next operator in. Although... I don't know where in Rhodes Island I can find a cup of coffee. I'll just interview the next operator and call Amiya up to help me with that situation.

A few minutes later....

"Thanks for making time in your busy schedule miss?" I asked as the next operator took her seat

"Mayer, Doktah. Researcher at Rhine Labs and Supporting class. And it's no worries, I didn't have any important project since I'm just settling in here at Rhodes Island." replied Mayer

"Okay then. Anyway, do you have any questions that you need answered?" I asked

"Nope. Is there anything else you need from me?" asked Mayer

"Not unless you know where I can find a good cup of coffee here at Rhodes Island." I said while putting Mayer's file down

"It's funny you mention that, I've actually some coffee on the way here with the help with my Meeboos." said Mayer as reach for something on the floor

"Meeboo-" I said until a tiny robot jumped up on my desk

To say that scared the living daylights out of me would be an understatement. The next thing I knew, I found myself lying on the floor while Mayer ran over to check on with that tiny robot.

"Doktah Arata!! Are you alright!? Can you hear me!?" yelled Mayer as she checking my pulse

"Ugh....I-i'll be alright. U-um...can you help me...up." I asked while trying to calm my mind

After Mayer helped me up, she apoligized repeatedly despite saying that it was alright. After Mayer calmed down, I explained why I reacted the way I did and how Mayer shouldn't worry about it. After my explanation, I was introduced to Mayer's assisstant.

"Like I said, this is my assistant, Meeboo. Not only does this little guy help me around my lab, he's a great help in combat." said Mayer while showing me Meeboo's specifications

"That's amazing! Your Meeboo is quite the advanced robot. You're an amazing researcher, Mayer." I said while I continued to scroll through Meeboo's specifications

"Aww! Thanks Doktah. If that's all you want to talk about, I need to return to my workshop." said Mayer

"Don't worry, I don't have anything else to discuss with you, Mayer. By the way, the best way to reach me is via my dorm." I said

"Thanks for the information, Doktah. I'll probably pay you a visit to apologize for Meeboo jumpscaring you. Bye Doktah" said Mayer before heading out

After Mayer left my office, I headed back to my desk and decided to call it a day. I closed up my office and made my way back to my dorm. But when I reached my dorm, I noticed Amiya standing outside. Hm, it seems that she has something for me.

"Oh Doktah! Are you done for the day?" asked Amiya while holding a tablet

"Yes Amiya. Do you need something for me?" I asked while pointing at the tablet she was holding

"Yes Doktah. We have an operation tomorrow and I wanted to deliver the information on it before you turned in for the day." said Amiya before handing me the tablet

"Thank you Amiya. Is there anything else you need from me?" I asked

"Not right now. Oh yeah, how has your day been?" asked Amiya with a concerned expression

"My day was alright, Amiya. No need to worry about me." I said while patting her on the head

Amiya smiled at my response and my headpat, good to see that she's doing alright. After that exchange, Amiya waved goodbye and headed off. I finally enter my dorm and go over the information for tomorrow's operation. Hmm, "Operation SK-1, due to Rhodes Island being low on resource materials to help improve/keep Rhodes Island operational. Head to the following location and pick up the resource materials. Warning, some Reunion Members have been spotted in the area, so caution is advised."-signed Kal'sit. Alright, this seems like standard operation. Planning the right strategy is key for everyone's survivial. I should call Amiya later for more information-

"Hello Doktah. I'm Projekt Red. Specialist class and your bodyguard." said a girl in red hood

When I put my tablet down, I didn't expect to see a girl in a red hood looking down while somehow sticking to the ceiling of my roof.

"Huh...just...when..I thought-" I said before fainting

Projekt Red POV

"Doktah? Are you okay?" I asked while poking his unconscious body

I should probably call Miss Kal'sit to inform her of what happened-

"Hey Doktah! I'm here to...OH MY GOD!!!" yelled Mayer as she walked in

"Crap..." I said while looking at Mayer

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