Chapter 6:Operation SK-1

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Saria POV

I'd think I'll pay the Doktah to give him some tips in commanding a unit. Especially since I'll be joining his squad in tomorrow's operation. It's a good thing Amiya notified me just as I was finishing setting up in my dorm. According to Amiya, the Doktah's dorm should be right-

"Hey Doktah! I'm here to....OH MY GOD!!!" yelled Mayer outside the Doktah's dorm

"Mayer!? What are you doing here!? And why are you yelling!!??" I asked while rushing over

But before Mayer could tell me anything, I looked over and saw an unconscious Doktah on the floor with Lupo girl with a red hood standing over him. Before I could ask anything, the Lupo girl began to speak.

"Um...this is a misunderstanding. Please let me explain." said Projekt Red with her hands up

"First, let's make sure the Doktah is alright and then you explain this misunderstanding." I said while picking the Doktah up from the floor

After setting the Doktah on his bed, we realized the Doktah had only fainted due to Red's sudden appearance. We grabbed some spare chairs Doktah apartentaly had around his room and had Projekt Red explain herself.

"First things first Projekt Red, explain what happened exactly." I asked before looking back at the Doktah

"I came in to introduce myself to the Doktah. But when I realized he wasn't inside his dorm, I decided to wait here for him. And when he came back, he fainted when he saw me looking down on him from the ceiling. And that's when Miss Mayer came in and started to scream." replied Projekt Red before pointing at Mayer

"Ahh, so that's what happened. Sorry about that Red." said Mayer while rubbing her the back of her head in embarrassment

"Well that makes sense. Now, mind telling me why you're here, Mayer?" I asked before looking back at Doktah

"Oh yeah. You see, during my one-on-one with him, I accidentally started him with one of my MeeBoos. And I wanted to apoligize by giving on my specially made coffee." replied Mayer before picking up one her Meeboo's off the floor

"Alright. Now that we got that out of the way. I only have one question for the both of you." I said

"What's the question, Saria?" asked Mayer with a confused expression

"Why did the Doktah faint in the first place? Judging from his test results and one-on-one, I assumed he would be more confident. So what gives?" I asked

"Oh I can answer that." replied Mayer while Red looked at her with a confused expression

One explanation on Doktah Arata's Intverted Personality later...

Huh. I didn't expect to have this kind of personality considering how calm & composed during our talk, it must've been difficult for him. I should be careful whenever we talk with each other.

"Hey Saria. Why are you here anyway?" asked Mayer while taking the coffee she made for Doktah

"Oh that? I came here because he wanted some advice on how to command our operators efficiently during our future operations." I replied before looking back at the Doktah

"Ugh....w-what happened?" groaned Doktah Arata as he wakes up

"Hello Doktah. How are you feeling?" I asked

"Shocked and confused. And also, why are you here in my room?" replied Doktah Arata while pointing at Mayer, Projekt Red, and me

"Ah that. Well let us explain." I said

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