Chapter 22:Trust Me

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Arata POV

The Morning After Wodan's 'Introduction' In Arata's Dorm....

*Sigh* Despite Kal'sit going on a complete rampage because Wodan revealed some secrets that I think should've been revealed ...but I've accepted that's just who Wodan is & I just hope he can get along with everyone.

"Don't worry! Wodan will fit right in just fine in Rhodes Island. Anywho, we got an important meeting in your office?" asked Ghost in reassuring tone of voice

Yeah, I know. I have a meeting with Glasgow Gang's leader, Siege. Class designated as Vanguard class, in my office is about......

"10 minutes from now, Arty. You should really get ready & make your way towards your office. Although it was cute seeing your sleeping face especially considering that you decided to sleep without your helmet." said Theresa with a teasing smile as she appeared in front of me

Wait what!? Did I sleep in?! What time did I fall asleep at!? Ghost? Theresa!?

"We'll let you figure that out later~" said Ghost/Theresa in unison with the same teasing smile

*Sigh* Why did I even bother?! Okay, coat, mask, bag, documents, & coffee courtesy of Mayer via a Meebo. Okay, time for me to go!!!! As long I don't encounter any delays, I can-

"Doktah! You're awake! You have a meeting with-" said Amiya with her usual cheerful expression until I patted her on the head

"Meeting with Glasgow Gang's leader, Siege in my office. Don't worry, Amiya. But thank you for always being there for me to remind me of my schedule." I said in my usual reassuring tone of voice

"D-d-doktah!? R-r-really!?" said Amiya with a flustered expression while her face was beet red while she tried to recompose herself

"Speaking of which, I have to go to the aforementioned meeting. Sorry, Amiya!" I said while I ran off in a hurry towards my office

As I ran towards my office, I reached into my duffle bag & took a quick sip from the 'Sanity Potions' that Warfarin created to help manage my sanity. I didn't need any during my time in Kjerag since due to both Ghost & Theresa keeping my Sanity in check behind the scenes. That aside, I ran past a few familiar operators while I ran towards my office.

"D-doktah! Good morning!" said Jessica in her usual nervous expression while bowing towards me

"Yo Doc! Getting a morning jog in!? Nice~" said Blaze with a smile while she wiped some sweat off her body with a spare she was using

"Doktah, good to see that you're up & about. Make sure to take care of yourself." said Saria with her usual cool demeanor while she looked through some documents

*sigh* Despite telling everyone to refer to me as Arata & not Doktah, they still can't help but break that habit. But I know they'll eventually get around to calling me, Arata. Although I know there's a few individuals who call me by name. Like Wodan-

"Yo Wodan! Tell us another secret my good man!" said Midnight with a sly smile while raising a glass of coffee to him

"Yeah. Tell us, Wodan!" said Noir Corne in a cheery tone of voice while also raising a glass of coffee

"Come on guys, we shouldn't abuse his power like this." said Adnachiel with a concerned expression

"You say that..... You're the one who wanted to sit here & learn about Wodan's Arts." said Steward with a surprised expression before munching a piece of toast

While I continued running towards my office, I stopped to look to see Wodan chatting it up with the male operators in the kitchen. Well at least Wodan seems to have made some friends already here in Rhodes Island. Although I see that he's supporting shades & some clothing to help with albino condition. Although I'm curious to know what they're talking about-

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