Chapter 10: Assistant

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Arata POV

"Wait....what?" I said as soon I processed what Jessica's requested

An assistant? Have I been working here at Rhodes Island so long that I require an assistant? Hmm...I guess that would make sense considering all the operations I've partaken in. Especially the operations involving the materials needed to help Rhodes Island capabilities &-

"Doktah? Are you alright? You don't want me to be your assistant?! I guess that makes sense considering how-" said Jessica with a sadden expression until I cut her off

"N-no no! I was just lost in my thoughts. So please don't say that about yourself Jessica! I would love to have you as an assistant!" I said with a reassuring expression

Luckily for me, this was enough to calm Jessica down & bring a smile to her face. Phew...I'm glad I managed to calm her down. Whenever she messed up during some of the operations, she would apologize to me a lot. She's a great girl with a lot of potential...but she needs to be more confident. Maybe Jessica being my assistant will help with that.

"R-really!!?? Thank you, Dok-I mean Arata! Here's the papers you need to sign so I can be your assistant!" said Jessica with a smile as she handed me said papers

"Oh okay. I'll take a look at this before signing it, so you can head out for the day. Thanks again, Jessica." I said with a smile

"O-okay! Thanks again Arata!" said Jessica with a small blush on her face

Huh? I wonder why Jessica's face turned red when I sent her off? Does she have a fever or a cold? She should really take it easy. Well then, I guess I better get started on this submission form.

A few minutes later in my office....

"Phew, finally finished with all the documents I needed to take care of the day. It's a good thing I finished Jessica's submission form first. I'll call Amiya up so she can collect these." I said with a relieved expression

I pulled my phone out of its pocket & sent Amiya a quick call since I thought giving her a call might disrupt whatever she was up to at the moment. So for now I guess i'll sit around & wait for her-

"Doktah Arata! I got your message! What do you need me to look at!" said Amiya with a happy expression as she walked through the door

"Gah!!! Geez Amiya.... you surprised me." I said with a startled expression

"Oh sorry about that, Doktah Arata! At least you didn't pass out this time!" said Amiya with a reassuring expression

"'re right. I haven't passed out yet. Anyway, I want you to take a look at this submission form Jessica handed me." I said as handed Amiya the aforementioned submission form

While Amiya looked over the submission form, I noticed a familiar robot walking up to me with a coffee mug attached to its back alongside a note. Hmmm....a Meeboo? I guess Mayer was too busy to send me her usual coffee & had one of Meeboo's do it for her. I'll have to pay her back the next time she comes.

"Thanks Meeboo. Thanks for delivering this, good dog." I said while taking the coffee & note off it's body before petting it's head

"Mee!" cheered the Meeboo happily before happily leaving the my office

"Oh? Was that one of Mayer's Meeboos, Doktah Arata?" asked Amiya with a curious expression

"Oh that? I'll explain the situation then, Amiya." I said with a smile

I explained to Amiya that after Mayer's interview, she offered me some of her homebrewed coffee to help me keep up with my work every week whenever she had the time. Whether it was in my dorm or my office, she would happily deliver coffee. Amiya was surprised at this, but was happy to hear that other operators are helping me with my work. After that explanation, Amiya & I got back on topic on Jessica's submission form.

"Everything seems to be in order for Jesscia to be your assistant. Actually, I think she can start as soon as tomorrow. Thanks for messaging me about this Doktah Arata." said Amiya with a big smile

"No problem, Amiya. I knew I could count on you for this kind of stuff. Thanks again." I said while patting Amiya on her head

"N-no problem Doktah Arata!!! U-um....I need to go deliver these to Kal'sit!!! S-soo goodbye!!!" said Amiya with a small blush before running off

"Huh....she reacted the same way like Jessica. Are they both coming down with something? Well that doesn't matter right now, I wonder what Mayer wrote in her letter?" I said before sitting back down on my seat & reading Mayer's letter

Hiya Arata! Sorry I couldn't send you my coffee like usual! I've been busy with a project that requires my full attention! That aside, I hope you enjoy my coffee! By the way, I heard that you don't have an assistant yet, so here's my submission form!-Signed Mayer

And just when I finished reading Mayer's letter, a folded submission form fell out of the letter. Oh boy....I should've looked at this sooner. I guess I deal with it now so I can have Amiya have a look at this.

One hour later in my dorm....

"Finally finished with Mayer's submission form. Once I've finished with my work tomorrow, I'll have Amiya help me with this &-" I said aloud until a knock on my door interrupted me

I get up from my desk in my dorm & walked towards my door to answer it. But to my surprise, it was Saria at the door. I thought she was taking the day off?

"Hello Arata. I hope I wasn't disturbing you right now." said Saria with a curious expression

"Oh no no. You weren't disturbing me. Would you like to come in?" I asked while motioning to the inside of my room

"Of course, I wish to continue this conversation inside. Thanks Arata." said Saria with a relieved expression

After that, Saria & I continued our conversation inside my dorm. Although....I wasn't expecting what Saria asked next.

"I heard that you were accepting assistants from Amiya. I know that you already accepted one, but Amiya said you can recruit multiple assistants at the time. So, I would request to be your assistant, Arata." said Saria with a serious expression

"Wait....I can accept multiple assistants!?" I said with a shocked expression

"Oh? You weren't aware of it? Sorry about that then. I can request to be your assistant later-' said Saria until I cut her off

"No no no. I was just surprised, that's all. Of course you can be my assistant, Saria. You've been a great help to me since I started at Rhodes Island. Having an exceptional woman like you would help me a ton." I said in a reassuring tone

"E-exceptional? I-i'm glad to hear that you think that highly of me. H-here's my submission form. Have a nice night Arata." said Saria with a small blush while leaving my dorm in a haste

Again, Saria had the same reaction that Jessica & Amiya had. Weird....oh well. I think it's time for me to turn in for the night.......why is everything around

??? POV

In the Familiar Black Void Arata Found Himself In Earlier....

Here I was minding my own business in this place & this happens. Oh boy, he's back here again. Welp, I was hoping to have another conversation with him anyway.

"Huh...where am I?" asked Arata as he finally awoke


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