Chapter 12:Before Hand

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Saria POV

In The Hallway Right Outside Doctor Arata's Dorm In The Exact Moment Doctor Arata Fell Unconscious....

*sigh* Just when I thought my work was done for the day, Doctor Kal'sit needed me to deliver some important documents to Doctor Arata to review. Hmm... I wonder if he's considered me as his assistant yet? Although he's a capable individual, even I can tell that he's really fragile. I can tell he has a ton of potential & I want to support him in his future endeavors.

"Oh! Hello Miss Saria! Are you on your way to deliver the documents Kal'sit asked you to deliver to Arata?" asked Amiya with her cheery smile as she ran up to me from behind

"Oh yes. Is there something you need, Amiya?" I asked with a curious look on my face as I turned my attention to her

"Actually, Doctor Kal'sit asked me to retrieve those documents from you. Turns out she'd already reviewed those documents, but she forgot due to staying up all night in her office working on other things." replied Amiya with an apologetic expression while bowing her head

"It's alright. Doctor Kal'sit has been working too harshly after Doctor Arata's return. Here you go, Amiya." I said with an understanding expression while I handed the aforementioned documents to Amiya

"KYAAAAA!!!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!!" yelled A Random Female Feline Voice in a panicked tone

But right after I handed Amiya the documents, we heard a scream coming from the direction of Doktah Arata's dorm. Amiya & I quickly rushed over to Dokath Arata's dorm & we found Jessica crouched over Doktah Arata's unconscious body.

"Jessica! What happened to Dokah Arata!!?" I yelled as I rushed over to Arata's unconscious body
But right as I was about to check Doktah Arata's condition, Amiya said something that stopped me & Jessica in our tracks.

"D-doktah....A-arata.......h-his heart stopped....." said Amiya with a terrified expression

"W-what!?" yelled Jessica as tears began to build up alongside her terrified expression

"Amiya, notify everyone in the medical bay & its staff immediately! I'll get Doktah Arata there as soon as possible!!!" I yelled with a terrified expression as I carried/rushed Doktah Arata's body to the medical bay

Amiya managed to compose herself & made the call to medical bay while she ran alongside me with Jessica. How could this have happened!? There's no way Doktah Arata is dead!! He was doing just fine!!! Hang in there Arata!

"C-can we save D-doktah!? Please tell us, Miss Saria." asked Jessica with a panicked tearful expression

"Doctor Kal'sit & the entire Medical Staff are already waiting for us! So, we need to get there as soon as possible!!!" replied Amiya as she comforted Jessica with an uneasy expression

"Thank you, Amiya. Don't worry, we're almost there!" I said with a determined expression while we made our way to Medical Bay

After pushing through multiple sections of Rhodes Island, we finally made it to the Medical Bay's entrance. And just as Amiya said, Kal'sit & the rest of the Medical Staff were right there. that-

"Saria!?" yelled Silence with a shocked expression

"Oh's Oliva!? I didn't expect to run into her in this situation. But there's no time!? 

Quickly! Do everything in your ability to resurrect Doktah Arata!!!" I yelled with a serious express as Kal'sit & her team grabbed Doktah Arata's body towards Medical Bay ER

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