Chapter 29

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I get Bella home from the hospital

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I get Bella home from the hospital. I have started getting things ready to get Sam arrested so Ariel is safe. Over the weekend I spent talking with Bella and asking others around if they know Sam Uley. All the responses I have received is he is in a gang or deals with drugs.

My niece does not need to be apart of that. So today, I have two other guys with me plus Bella and we are going and getting Ariel out of there and putting Sam behind bars.

When we pull up to the house I knock on the door and do not get a response. Suddenly I hear a scream and I get worried so I bust down the door and see Ariel on the kitchen table naked with Sam's hand around her throat. He is trying to take advantage of her.

I don't even think twice and I pull out my taser and shot it at Sam. He groans and falls to the ground.

"Charlie what the hell are you doing?!" Ariel yells grabbing a blanket and wrapping around herself.

"I am getting you out of here." I says "Sam you are under arrest." I tell him.

"Excuse me what the hell is he being arrested for?" Ariel yells.

"For abusing you and holding you against your will." I tell her.

"That is bullshit Charlie." She says.

I cuff Sam and pulls him up and pull up his pants. Sick fucker.
Suddenly a man and the tribal police plus Jared and Paul show up.

"What they hell are you doing?" The man says.

"Who are you and I am saving this girl from abuse." I say.

"That girl is my daughter and she is engaged to Sam. He has never laid a hand on her." Her father says.

"When I came in here his hand was around her throat."

"Yeah because he was getting ready to fuck me into submission. Its called a kink Charlie, you dumbass."

Jared and Paul step up next. "Sam has never once hit Ariel or holding her against her will. She is able to come and go as she pleases. Bella is starting shit. She keeps calling and harassing Ariel about getting to know her and Ariel is not interested."

Oh shit. I am screwed now. "Bella is that true? Did you lie to me about all of this?" I ask. She doesn't answer. "Answer me!" I yell.

"Yes I lied. I wanted her to be in my life. She wanted nothing to do with me so I made up the whole thing to make her suffer for not choosing me." Bella says.

It wasn't much longer that my boss showed up pissed. "Why am I getting a call from La Push police stating that my guys are over here out of their jurisdiction trying to arrest someone on false information and busting into their homes unannounced?" He asks me.

"I am sorry. My daughter told me that my niece was getting abused so I took it upon myself to do something about it even out of my jurisdiction." I say.

"Well seeing that you came in here with no real evidence, cuffed a man who has clearing done nothing wrong, and barged into their home, I have no other choice but to fire you Charlie. I want your gun and badge by the end of the day." He says.

"Wait no you cannot do that. It was my idea to get my dad involved. You cannot fire him." Bella says.

"Should have thought of all of that before he came over here." My boss says.

Ariel came over to him "excuse me sir, I want to place a restraining order on both of them please. Ever since I came here, Charlie has done nothing but try and push Bella onto me even after telling him no several times." Ariel says.

"Yes ma'am of course. I will have all of that taking care of for you. I am so sorry about this."

"It is okay." She says.

After the police leave Charlie and Bella are still here and so is my dad

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After the police leave Charlie and Bella are still here and so is my dad.
"You have crossed a line." Dad says.

"I listened to my daughter and was protecting my niece."

"I AM NOT YOUR NIECE. Just because Renee married you and had Bella does not make me family. I do not care if they are blood they are dead to me after what Renee did to my mother." I yelled.

"Well whatever it was I am sure your mother deserved what Renee did." Charlie spat out.

Tears formed in my eyes and I stepped back in surprise. My dad came over and punched Charlie in the face knocking him to the ground. "You ever say anything like that again or come anywhere near my daughter and I will kill you myself. Now get the fuck out of here and take your pathetic excuse of a daughter with you before I kill her." Dad says.

They both rush out of the house and I only have a bath robe on. Dad comes over to me and pulls me close. I start crying into him over what Charlie said. "How could he say that. Mom didn't do anything wrong." I cried out.

"I know princess. I know. It is all because Renee loved me and I did not want anything to do with her. I am so sorry you are still having to deal with this." Dad says.

"It's okay. I uh I'm gonna go clean up. Thank you for coming and helping out with this mess. You too Jared and Paul. I appreciate you standing up for Sam. Without you two I am not sure what would have happened." I say.

They both smiled and nodded their heads. "Of course. We would do anything for you two." Jared says.

"Yes I agree with Jared. Sam take the night off, I'll run patrol with Jared. You need to be with her after what just happened." Paul said.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"Yes I am." He said.

"Alright well this coming weekend I will give you it off since you are doing this for us." Sam said.

We told everyone goodbye and then Sam took my upstairs to our bathroom and started a bath for us. He lifted me up in it and pulled me into his chest and I sobbed.

"It is okay my pup. I am here. They didn't take me from you. I know what Charlie said it hurting you but he is a dick. I am here baby. I'm here." He says turning me around and placing my head into his neck near his mark to calm me down as he rubs my back.

"I'm here" is all he kept repeating until I fell asleep in his arms.

I didn't even feel him take me out of the bath, dry me, dress me, and put me to bed.
"I love you pup"

"Mm I love you wolfie."

A/N: hi everyone!!! I have two other stories in progress right now along with this one.

Forever my soldier (stevexbucky)
Her Red Assassin!

So go check them out! :)

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