Chapter 39

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Today is my birthday

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Today is my birthday. I had a dream last night of me being old and Edward still being around me. I woke up from my dream upset from the dream because I didn't want to be old while Edward doesn't age. I want to be young and beautiful forever with him.

It doesn't help either that I am a year older than him in terms of when I would change. He doesn't want me to change and have a human life but that's not what I want. I will get him to change his mind eventually.

I make it to school and Edward tells me happy birthday. But I don't want to hear it. Alice and Jasper came up to me. They gave me a gift to wear tonight for the party they are throwing me.

Once school was over, I decided to make a phone call.

"Hi Ariel, I know it is a long shot but will you come to my birthday party a the Cullen's?" I asked hoping so comes and then they can take her and I get what I want.

"Nope. I have other plans." She says.

"Like what? What is more important than your cousins birthday?" I asked.

"Getting to cum from my dream of a husband." She says. Wait, husband? She's married?

"You got married and didn't invite your family?" I asked.

"My family was there. Now if you do not mind, my HUSBAND is getting ready to make me cum and I would like to enjoy it instead of dealing with you dumbass. Don't become vampire food on your birthday." She says and hangs up.

I cannot believe she got married and didn't invite me or mom. We are her family, I do not get why she just left us out like that. As I make my way to the Cullen's house, I kept thinking about how she is married, she gets the powers, the hot muscular guy, the love, the affection, the sex, and all I get from Edward is maybe a hand hold because my blood is too tempting. I envy Ariel because Sam shows her non-stop love and Edward doesn't.

When I got to their place, Edward met me outside. "Is Ariel coming?" He asked.

"No she is not. Said she had better things to do than be here. On top of that her and Sam got married. Can you believe that?! She got married and did not even invite her cousin to the wedding. I know our mothers had issues but damn I thought we could sit them aside." I says.

"Bella, Ariel isn't stupid. She probably knows we are trying to get her over here so we can take her and use her as we want." Edward says.

"But still. She is my cousin and didn't let me come to the wedding. Said her family was there." I say pouting wanting comfort.

He slowly puts his arm around me and pulls me in carefully hugging me. "I'm sorry. Let's get in side and hang out until the party starts." He says.

He takes me around the house showing me more of it and telling me more stories. Edward was now showing me Carlisle's office. I noticed a painting of what could only be described as powerful people.

"Who are they? And is that Carlisle?" I ask.

"Yes that is. Those are the Volturi Kings. They rule over all vampires and make sure our rules are followed. They were the ones I would have gone to if you would've died." He says.

"No you can't. Why can't you just change me? Then I would be indestructible and you would never have to fear me getting hurt." I tell him.

"Bella I do not want this life for you. A soulless monster? That has to kill to survive. It is not a life I want for you. You are human." He says.

After a while longer of being in the office, Alice busts through the door saying that it was time. When we get downstairs I see Alice went out of control with this. I acted like I didn't like big surprises but of course I do. I just hid it behind claiming that I am shy.

When it was time for presents, Rose gave me a necklace with attitude, Emmett got me a new radio for my truck, and Carlisle and Esme got me tickets to go see mom.

As I was opening the envelope, I got a paper cut. Well I actually did it on purpose so I would be attacked and changed. Jasper then goes feral and comes at me. Edward then pushes me back sending me flying into the wall and I crash on a table and break the glass. I get cut more because of this making everyone stop what they are doing.

Carlisle rushes over to me and helps me while everyone else leaves. After he stitches me up, Edward then drives me home. It was silent and awkward.
"Can I have a kiss since it is my birthday?" I ask.

He then leans in and kisses me. It was amazing but I could tell he was struggling.

After I went inside that was the last time I saw him for a day and a half. He wasn't at school the next day or anything. No texts or calls. When I finally got home from school I saw him standing by the tree line.

I put my stuff down and followed him into the woods. When we finally stops so does my world.
"We are leaving." He says.

"We as in?" I ask.

"My family and I. After last night we realized how dangerous it is to be around here." He says.

"Do I get to come?" I ask.

"No I don't want you coming. I don't want you anymore." He says.

"W-w-what." I stutter out.

"Just promise me one thing, don't do anything stupid for Charlies sake." He says.

He then takes off and I try and follow. Eventually it gets dark and I am left all alone so I curl up on the forest floor and cry myself out because he doesn't want me.

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