Chapter 59

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"Can we talk?

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"Can we talk?..." I ask shyly look over at Jacob as he had just turned around.

He nods his head and we go to the back patio to talk. When we get there, he sits across from me and we fall into an awkward silence.

After a few minutes Jacob decide to speak up.

"I'm sorry" he say softly.

"For what?" I ask

"For being so mean to you when you came back from being gone for a week. That was uncalled for and I shouldn't have said what I did. I knew it would hurt you and I did it anyways. Then on top of all of that, when I do phase, I phased on you and caused you to get cut and have a scar on your neck and chest" he says sadly.

"I didn't want to hide this from you, but I did not know if my temper would hold up. According to Sam and Ariel I am calm for a shifter so I got to come back earlier than expected. We had this big plan to bring you over the other night to have a bonfire and explain everything to you. We figured since your grandfather was a shifter you would be too even though your dad never shifted. Anyways, all that went downhill faster than I expected and I am sorry you found out this way." I tell him honestly.

"I know, dad ended up explaining a lot to me after Friday night went down." He says.

"Did he tell you everything?" I asked.

Jacob looks me in the eyes and nods his head. "Yeah he did. After I told him I imprinted on you, he said you imprinted on me too." He says.

"Yeah I did. The day in the cafeteria." I say with a small smile.

"Embry?" He says.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He lets out a shaky sigh. "I know about your little side. I don't want you to freak out or be embarrassed. It doesn't bother me. I accept that side of you okay? And you need to know that I have been in love with you since the 3rd grade. I know that sounds ridiculous but it is true. I would do anything for you." He confesses.

"What about Bella? You seemed close to her Friday night" I state.

"Bella and I are not anything. She is annoying, manipulative, and a bitch. She is just trying to use me to get over her bloodsucker. I don't want her. I want you and only you Em. It has always been you." He says looking down at his hands.

I decide to get up and move over next to him. I grab his hands and run my fingers over his knuckles. I look up into his eyes and tear up slightly. "I have been in love with you for so long Jake. I need you in so many ways and being away from you killed me and still does. I don't want space anymore. I want you however that looks like. I don't care. Just please say you will never leave my life again. I can't handle that pain again." I choke out.

He places a hand on my cheek and softly runs his thumb across it. "Never baby. I will never leave." He says. Before I can say anything else, he pulls me closer to him on his lap and leans in placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I instantly respond because I have waited for this for so long.

We pull apart and he rests his forehead against mine. "What are you doing the rest of today?" He asks.

"Nothing until patrol tonight. Why?" I ask.

"Let's spend the day at the beach. Just me and you. What do you say?" He asks.

I smile at him and nod my head. "Yeah that sounds perfect." I tell him.

"Good! Now let's go get some breakfast with the others then we can start spending our day together." Jacob says.

He then picks me up out of his lap and places my feet on the ground. We walk inside and see Ariel, Emily, and Rachel sitting the food out for breakfast. When Ariel sees us she smiles sweetly at both of us.

"All good boys?" She asks Jacob and I.

We both nod our heads. "Yeah all good Aunt Ariel" Jacob responds to her.

Jared and Paul come in and we are able to sit down and eat breakfast. We were all laughing and joking around. Ariel and Rachel were feeding Mason and Melody. Sam still grumbles about how his baby girl has her soulmate already. But he quickly shuts up when Ariel gives him a certain glare. It is kinda funny so see our alpha be scared of his wife.

Once breakfast finishes, Jacob and I head to the beach for our day together.

I watch as Jacob and Embry walk out of the house holding hands going to the beach

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I watch as Jacob and Embry walk out of the house holding hands going to the beach.

"Seems they finally talked" Rachel says leaning against the door frame with me watching them walk away.

"Seems they have. I am happy for them though. Embry has wanted this for a long time." I say to her.

"So has Jacob. I always knew there was something there between them even though they never voiced it till now." Rachel says.

"They will make a good couple. But we are going to have to protect them more than anyone else I am afraid." I state.

"Why do you say that?" She asks.

"Because they are a gay couple. The pack and of course your family will accept them being together because we love them, but Embry's mom and the rest of La Push/Forks it is hard to tell how they will respond and treat those two. Embry is already sensitive with his little side and Jacob is very dom acting with him so one wrong word and action towards Embry will set Jacob off. I can already see Jacob being over protective of Embry and doing whatever it takes to revenge whoever hurts his imprint. I can also sense Embry will get more of a temper too when it comes to Jacob as well. So the boys will just have to watch out and step in if a situation escalates." I tell her.

"I never thought of it that way. I completely agree. I hope that doesn't happen though." She says.

"Me too but I am afraid Bella may be the cause of their outburst. It won't surprise me if she is already planning on showing up to your dads house demanding answers." I say with a sigh.

"Yeah probably but I will cut that bitch if she tries anything." She says.

"Me too Rach. Me too" I say.

I just hope Bella is smart enough to stay away. But them again she is pretty dumb so we will see.

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