Chapter 30

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Meanwhile Poseidon is gone helping his daughter, the healers have called Zeus into their hidden room

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Meanwhile Poseidon is gone helping his daughter, the healers have called Zeus into their hidden room.

"Hi ladies. You have called. What can I do?" Zeus asked.

"Sir, she is ready. Her body has fully adapted to the powers and everything else is out of her system." The lead healer says.

Zeus looks shocked. "Okay, then wake her up." He says. After a few minutes the healers walk out with her.

"Hello Amphitrite.." Zeus says.

I'm alive? How is this possible? I feel more powerful, I am more filled and built into my body

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I'm alive? How is this possible? I feel more powerful, I am more filled and built into my body. I see a couple of ladies checking over me and making sure I am okay.

"Hello, we have someone here to see you." The lady says. I slowly get up and walk out with them. I look up and see Zeus.

"Hello Amphitrite." He says.

"Hi. Umm how is this possible? I should be dead." I say.

"I know but after you gave birth to Ariel I had the healers bring you to an isolated place and had them transform you into a full goddess. It took longer than expected because we had to get the poison out of you, let you recover from that, and then give you the potion to be a full goddess." He says.

"Does Poseidon know? Where's Ariel?" I ask.

He steps up to me and reaches out his hand. "Let's sit down and talk about everything." He says leading me to his office.

When we get there we sit down and he starts telling me everything that happened after Ariel was born. She was turned into a full goddess at such a young age causing her to grow up faster than the others. It breaks my heart that my baby didn't even get a childhood all because of Bella.

Zeus also informed me of Bella causing issues for Ariel. He also told me about the trouble Hercules and her caused growing up. So at least she got some form of childhood.

"Alright now wait here. I have summoned Poseidon to come down here see you after all this time." Zeus says. Soon some ladies came in with dressed for me to pick from and got me ready to see my husband again. I looked down at my hand and realized my ring was gone.

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