Chapter 63

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After Bella left, the boys checked on Billy before heading out for patrol

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After Bella left, the boys checked on Billy before heading out for patrol. Rachel and Emily were here at the house with me now watching the kids. As I was feeding Melody, my phone ran.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey it's Charlie. Why did Bella come home crying?" He yelled at me.

"Charlie I am not in the mood for this right now, however, I just simply told her the truth in what her mother did. I would. Be asking some questions to that woman if I were you Charlie. Bella and Renee have caused you to lose enough. It is time you use your brain and realize Renee has been lying to you since day one." I tell him.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Charlie, come on. Be honest with yourself, Bella looks nothing like you. Put two and two together. Listen I am done with this shit okay? Figure it out that they have been lying and kindly leave me and my family alone. You all have caused us enough pain and stress." I say before hanging up. 

Of course a few hours later I am getting a call from Renee cussing me out for telling Charlie the truth. I simply told the bitch I didn't tell him shit. He did the DNA test all on his own. Since that day, I have blocked their asses and moved on with my life.

Melody continues to grow and talks with Sam and I through our minds when she really needs something. It's adorable. Anytime she says dada, Sam is up in a heart beat gushing over his little girl. Every time I see them together it makes me wanna have more but right now it's the time.

It seems the red-headed vamp is still running around here and the boys are too busy protecting the land. I do not want to had to the stress of getting pregnant again. Emmett has also been a big help. I was able to change him to where he still has vampire characteristics but was no longer needing to survive off blood.

When he found out he could eat food again, I didn't think I would be able to keep that boy fed. It was like combining Sam, Hercules, Paul, and Jared into one person. Freaking crazy. But eventually he got full and had to stop.

To protect him, he stays behind the scenes of patrol. We do not need Bella seeing him and thinking the Cullens are back, and we do not want the Cullens to fully know that he is here with us. He has become like an older brother to me and is very protective over Melody and Mason. He is constantly making them laugh and giggle. I am honestly kind of glad Emmett came to us for help. He has been an amazing addition to the pack and just what we needed. 

Two week time skip

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Two week time skip

The boys and I continue to search for the red head. A bunch of police officers including Charlie and Harry are going for a hunt on us today so we have to be careful while we are in the woods.

All of a sudden we catch the scent of the bloodsucker and take off. As we are chasing after her, we see he is holding Harry up but the front of his shirt then drops him down the hill.


"Boys do not lose her!" I command to them. As they are chasing her, Jacob's thoughts push into my head of him catching Bella's scent.

"Jacob go see what she is doing on this land." I tell him.

A few minutes later I hear Jacob. "Sam she jumped off the cliff and hasn't come up. I smell leech so I am gonna phase and pull Bella out. I am tried of having to constantly safe this bitch." He says.

"I know Jacob. She is a pain in the ass and as much as we all would like her to just fuck off, you know to do the right thing okay? be safe." I tell him.

By the time I phased back and got to Sue's house, Harry was still unresponsive and Seth and Leah were not taking it well. I looked over and saw Ariel with concern in my eyes.

She looked over at me knowing exactly what I was thinking. They are going to phase.

"Seth, Leah, why don't you two come outside." I stated.

Leah looked at me like she was ready to fight. Once we stepped outside all hell broke lose.


She starts shaking and before I could react she phases and heads towards me. I wait for impact but it never comes. I open my eyes and see Ariel has Leah surrounded by her blue magic.

"Alright you little bitch, you wanna play it like this then fine. Fight me." She says.

Leah growls and goes at her but before she could get to Ariel, Ariel used her magic and flung Leah across the yard and slammed her into a tree.

"You better think twice before you continue Leah. I am not someone you want to mess with. Especially if you are coming after what is mine." Ariel says laced with venom as her eyes flash blue.

Leah's wolf stands up and charges Ariel again and this time I get pissed. No one is going to touch my wife. I phase and jump in front of Ariel right at Leah open's her jaw at her. I whip my head to the side and sink my teeth into Leah's side causing her to yelp out.

She falls to the ground and phases back. Ariel flicks her wrist making Leah covered before walking over seeing her bleeding from my bite. Instead of Ariel checking to see if she is okay, she grabs Leah's jaw and forces her to look into Ariel's eyes.

"You try that shit again you'll be joining your father in the afterlife." Then proceeds to punch her in the face. Hot.

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