Chapter 67

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I was done with this shit

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I was done with this shit. The Cullens are not going to win.


After waiting a few more minutes she appears in front of me.

"Can I help you?" She asks.

"Yes you can actually. How would you feel about teaming up and taking the Cullens down?" I ask with a smirk.

"What do you have in mind?" She asks.

"I have a feeling you have something to do with random people disappearing?" I ask.

She just nods her head.

"Alright. If you can promise me to not create anymore vampires I will work with you. However, when this becomes a battle the new borns die and you run off and never return. Understand?" I ask.

"No problem with me. I just want Bella and the Cullens to pay for killing my mate." She says.

"I get that. So clearly you know the Cullens have gifts. Especially Alice. Play her blind spots like I am assuming you have been. Eventually Alice is going to get a vision about the battle. Thankfully they will not know we are teaming up together because I can block their abilities. They will prompt us with helping catch you blah blah blah. Do not get caught obviously. When it comes to the battle they will want to team up again and the wolves and Cullens will kill the new borns. It wouldn't surprise me if pussy Edward takes Bella away from the fight. Search for them. When the battle is over, the plan will be for the wolves to blind side the Cullens and kill them." I state.

"I can agree with this. However there are a couple of things they need sorted out. I want to kill Bella. You also need to know the Volturi are more than likely aware of this situation." She says.

"You leave that to me. I will handle them. I plan to make Edward be present at the fight. I can use my abilities to engulf Bella for protection until the new borns are dead and you can show yourself and kill her. Sound fair?" I ask.

"Yes sounds fair to me. I plan on having my head new born break into Bella's to get something of her scent." Victoria says.

"Sounds good. Also if you want a bonus kill, her mother is available. The bitch can die. But if another human is La Push or Forks die because of this army, our deal is off and I will kill you myself." I state firmly.

"Got it. Thank you for being willing to do this." She says.

"No problem. If it was my mate that was killed, I can promise you I would be out for revenge myself and I wouldn't care how I go it. I am about to go and talk with the Volturi so they do not step in and try to take over." I say.

"Be careful. They could kill you." She says.

"I would like to see them try." I say with a smirk before teleporting out of there and to the castle where the three kings are.

"Well well, seems very dead in here. Although it is kind of fitting." I say looking at the kings and the guard.

"Who are you." The guy in the middle says.

"I am Ariel. Daughter of Poseidon, princess of the seas and Atlanas, Goddess of the animals and all nature and I am here on business."

"I am Aro, these are my brothers Marcus and Caius. What business are you here about?" He asks.

"It is more of a warning. Myself along with my husband and out pack will be teaming up with a vampire to take out the Cullen clan including that blood bag Bella swan. She has caused enough issues within our world and her life is going to end. The warning is the vampire is creating a newborn army to battle the Cullens. Once the battle is over, my pack is going to blind side the Cullens." I say smirking.

"Oh I like this one" Caius says.

"Thank you! My only request is you do not get involved. If you do, the Cullens will know and it will ruin everything. I do not care if the guards show up and are surrounding the battle field to make it look like the Cullens are going to get away with everything, but once the last new born is killed, the Cullens, Bella and her mother will die." I state.

"I think we can all agree to that. Anything else?" Aro says.

"Yes. Once this battle is done, I want all of Washington off limits to vampires. If any of them cross into our land after this battle they will immediately die. You want to live in peace and so do we protecting the ones we love from those like you." I state.

"Sounds reasonable to me dear. I would be more than happy to make sure that is known across our kind. When will the battle take place?" He asked.

"I will be in touch. We have to play this out perfectly to make sure they do not find out about our trap." I say.

"If I may? Why do you hate them so much?" Caius asked.

"Renee, Bella's mom is my mothers sister. Renee sought out revenge on my mother claiming my father was her soulmate and he wasn't. He was soulmates with my mother. When she was pregnant with me, Renee poisoned her causing her to almost lose me, and she ended up dying. My aunts and uncles had to give me part of their powers to keep me alive and it forced my body to grow faster so it would adapt to the abilities. I lost my childhood because of it. I went my whole life not knowing my mother but thankfully my uncle Zeus was able to save her and I just met her months ago. With the Cullens, they want to use me to try and kill you all so they can take over. Edward also attacked me while I was pregnant and I almost lost my daughter because of them. They lied to one of their own about being mates and he just found his true mate after being with us. The Cullens need to die. They have been around and starting shit for too long." I say.

"I couldn't agree more. Keep in touch dear and we will help however we can. We greatly appreciate the heads up." Aro says.

"Of course. Talk soon." I say then teleport back to the house.

When I land in the middle of the living room, all eyes snap up at me.

"Why do you smell like leech." Sam growled.

Here goes nothing.

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