Chapter 47

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After Ariel went back inside, I continued to sit there and think

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After Ariel went back inside, I continued to sit there and think. How will Rachel ever accept this? How does she know about the pack? What if she doesn't feel the same? What if she doesn't accept Mason? So many questions running through my mind I didn't even hear Rachel come outside and sit next to me until she said my name.

"Paul, I think we have some things to talk about." She says.

"Yeah I know. Do you want to start or me?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter to me." She says.

"Umm how do you know about us? Or imprinting?" I ask.

"Umm well like I just told them inside, It all happened back freshman year of high school. I came home from school after having a bad day and I went for a walk in the woods. Stupid mistake but I was glad Ariel showed up. As I was walking around in the woods, I tripped over a log and my knee started bleeding. All of a sudden this thing flashed in front of me. Literally. With red eyes and a sadistic smile on his face. The further he smirked I saw fangs come out of his mouth. He grabbed me by my arm and jerked me towards him. As he was getting ready to sink his teeth in me, momma A shows up and lights his ass on fire. At the time we did not realize the guy jerked me so hard it broke my arm. Ariel drove me to the doctor and one the way there I asked if he was a vampire. She didn't respond at first until I pieced together the legends and why she was really here. Plus she is a goddess so I figured if she was real so we're the legends."

I started to growl at the thought of a leech touching what is mine.
"Ariel said you already know about Mason. How?" I asked.

She shifts uncomfortably for a few seconds.
"Well to answer that I'd have to go back to high school. First, I have always had a crush on you. Even back in middle school. But sophomore year is when it really hit me hard. Everything you did, your smile, laugh, how you carried yourself just did something to me. Heather knew how much I really liked you and wanted to be with you but she took that and used it against me. She would always tell me you didn't like me and I didn't believe it and then the first time you two slept together I thought it was really true. Maybe you did hate me and would never want me. So that's why I never looked at you or went the opposite direction anytime I did see you. Even after Heather betraying me like that I was still so in love with you. By the time I left early for college, I was doing better and tried to move on but I couldn't. Heather would always text or call me and brag about how happy you made her, wanting a family and marriage with her and I didn't want to believe it but then that night came. The night she found out she was pregnant with Mason it was like my world crumbled to pieces. I had never really been insecure about me self until now. Maybe she was right, I wasn't good enough for anyone especially you. And then here she says you are starting a family together and all I could think about was...why couldn't it be me? Why does it have to be her? What does she have that I don't? And when Mason was born, she sent me pictures of him and he looks just like you. My heart broke again see someone giving you something I wish could've been me but I guess fates got it wrong. So I know you imprinted on me but you have Mason and Heather so I...I will be the greatest friend that I can be for you and help you anyway that I can that way you don't have to leave Heather." Rachel says with a broken voice.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks and it was breaking me more. I got up and move right next to her and put my hand on her cheek making her look at me. See her broken sad eyes hurt me so much.

"Rach...I've never dated or will I date Heather. After I made that drunken mistake she told me you hated me for what I did and that I was just a man whore. Yeah I know I have that reputation now, but Rachel it's always been you. I've fallen for you since middle school as well. Heather just kept telling me you wanted nothing to do with me, you hated me, and would never date me. That night she got pregnant I don't even remember it happening. I didn't even know she was pregnant and had Mason until he was born and showed up at me door telling me she wanted nothing to do with him. She had the DNA test show he was mine plus I got a second one done to be cautious. And don't want to be friends, I want more. I want you. You are good enough. Scratch that, you are more than good enough. I don't deserve you in anyways after everything I did to hurt you by sleeping with your ex bestfriend in the first place. When I first phased I was horrible and then Ariel knocked some sense into me and I started straightening my life out. Just when I thought I was becoming a better person, Mason gets thrown into my life. I love him more than anything, but that night I got him I feared my imprint would never accept me because all they would see is a guy that has a baby with someone else. Rach...if you accept me, all I ask is for one chance. One chance to steal your heart, to make you mine, and never let you go." I beg her.

She looks at me and lets out a sigh.
"What happens if Heather comes back. Will you want her over me?" She asks and that question broke my heart.

"No. There is no one I want more as my imprint, my life, and future love more than you. I told you Rachel, it has always been you and it will always be you. It's not even a competition. Girls can try to make me notice them but it's you I want and need. Plus she's signed all her rights away. So she can't come back." I tell her stroking my thumb across her cheek wiping the tears away.

She sniffles and looks back up at me.
"You can finally be mine?" She asks softly.

"Yes baby. I'm already yours. Will you be mine?" I ask her placing our foreheads together.

"Yes" she says. That's all I needed. I slowly lifted her chin and looked into her eyes one last time before leaning down and kissing the girl of me dreams. After all these years she's finally mine. Her lips were so soft, I could never get enough. I will spend the rest of my life addicted to her.

My imprint, My Rachel....

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