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A large owl-like dragon stared down contently as the small baby wrapped in fur. It reached out a talon towards the baby who giggled at him, reaching its little hand up. The dragon stared into the baby's forest green eyes and blinked. This made the baby smile until a loud crash made the dragon jump and unintentionally scratch the baby's chin, making it cry. The dragon then stared at a woman holding a sword, growling softly as it approached. The woman looked just like the child in the basket. Though she hesitated to slay the dragon who was inches from her child just moments ago.

The dragon stared deeply into her eyes as well, jumping again when the door busted open, a man with a large beard entering. "Valka!" The many screamed which caused the dragons pupils to slit and turn away. It stretched its wings out as it jumped away, snatching the crying baby as it flew.

"No! Hiccup!!" The woman's voice could be heard screaming at the dragon as it flew off with their baby. The child cried as the four-winged dragon held it in its paws, shielding it from the wind. Back on the island in their burning house, the couple both cried and screamed out. Their one child... their only child...

The woman woke with a cold sweat, breathing heavily as she sat up in bed. Groaning as she placed her hand on her head. The same nightmare. It haunted her for years after her child was stolen. She sniffled and wiped her eyes as the large figure next to her groaned and sat up.

    "Valka dear..." the large man said as he placed a hand on her back, "I know..."

    "It's my fault Stoick..." she said through her cried, Stoick sat up and held her close.

     "No, it's not your fault. I'm.. unsure what a Stormcutter would want with our child... but stopping it alone was near impossible." He said, pulling her face to his, "I should've been there sooner."

    "He's gone..." she said, looking at the tears swelling up in Stoick's eyes. They were unable to conceive. Hiccup was their only blessing... a blessing taken from them without hesitation.

"Come, let's get ready for the day. I believe our fishermen should be back with a great amount today." Stoick said, giving her a soft smile. Valka nodded and stood. Both of them silently getting ready for the day.

"I'll meet you at the docks, I'll check the blacksmith on the way there." Valka said, Stoick gave her a small kiss on her head making her smile.

"I'll be waiting." He said before leaving. She smiled as he left and quickly finished tying her hair up. Glancing at the crib left behind. Neither could bring themselves to move it. The claw marks on the wooden crib made her shiver and she quickly left. The sun was bright today, almost blinding. She waved at passerby as she walked down the stone path towards the blacksmith.

On her ways she spotted children playing. The four of them seemed content as they fought with wooden sticks. This made Valka sigh, Hiccup should be there with them. She swallowed the lump in her throat and continued her way, entering a building that had smoke coming from it. Inside was a man with a prosthetic leg and hand, a stone tooth jutting out of his mouth. The man smiled upon turning around and seeing her.

"Valka! What do I owe the pleasure to this visit?" The man said loudly with a wide smile, Valka laughed.

"The fishermen have returned. Stoick wanted to know how the weapons are from our last fight, Gobber." She said, Gobber chuckled as he gestured to the weapons in the corner of his shop.

"All ready. We should be prepared for another dragon attack." He said, Valka nodded with a smile.

"Of cou-" the sudden sound of childrens laugher made her freeze. Gobber held a pained expression towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I think we should head to the docks? Stoick should be there waiting." He said with a smile, urging her out. Valka followed quickly. Listening to Gobber rant on and on about the dragon he recently slayed. Soon they reached the docks. Only two out of the three ships they sent returned. Valka and Gobber shared a worried look.

"Stoick?" Valka said upon reaching where he was, he held a look of irritation.

"The dragons attacked one of our ships. The whole thing gone." Stoick said, sighing heavily.

"The Vikings on the ship are?" Gobber asked, Stoick shook his head. Valka felt a pain in her chest.

"We'll put the rest away chief." One of the fishermen spoke up, Stoick nodded to them and they went off.

"So now they're attacking our ships." Gobber said, stretching as his mustache.

"In broad daylight too." Stoick replied, shaking his head.

"That's..." Valka started, "what do we do here? Not only are they taking our livestock but now our fish." She finished.

"We'll have to hide the livestock. Better than before. And find a new spot for fish." Stoick replied, Valka nodded and they split off to tend to their tasks.


They day soon went by quickly, Valka yawned loudly as she stared the contents of the cauldron in front of her. She waited patiently for Stoick's return home. The crickets chirped outside, she listened to them sing until she heard footsteps. The front door of their home soon opened and Stoick walked through, sitting down on the first chair with a groan. She smiled as she began to serve him dinner.

    "Oh it can't be that bad." She said as she placed a bowl of the stew in front of him. He reached for it quickly.

    "Oh but it is." He said, "they just don't listen." He said with a grumble.

     "They're kids, did you expect they would?" She asked, he chuckled.

     "I guess I didn't." He said, they are silently for a while.

     "Is it to your liking?" She asked, This made him smile.

    "It's always to my liking dear." He said as he gave her a gentle kiss. After their dinner they cleaned themselves up before heading to bed. The night was dark and the air was cool. Valka lay silently staring at the black ceiling.

     "Do you think we'll see him again?" Valka asked, stoick could be heard shifting.

    "We will, in Valhalla." He replied, the pain in his voice was still there even after the years.

    "I hope he'll forgive us..." she said, leaning into Stoick's arms who held her.

    "I hope so too..." he replied, leaving them in silence for the rest of the night.

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