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    Rider walked through the tunnels of the caves, leading the group he had just rescued deeper in the sanctuary. He was nervous, way too nervous. At least Stoick agreed with him, dragons needed to fight back. They wouldn't win otherwise. Soon they reached a large cave room filled with places to sit. This was mostly his storage and second room when it got too cold. It was easier to keep this room warm. Each of them sat down with a groan minus a few. Rider watched them as he thought of what they could do. Including the entirety of Berk would cause trouble. He knew Drago would come for his dragons and alpha. He needed a plan.

    "I say we just-"

    "Don't even start." Astrid interrupted Snotlout from speaking and he rolled his eyes. 

    "If he's coming here then we need a good plan. Us alone can't win against his army." Gobber said, Valka nodded.

     "Rider, any ideas?" Stoick asked which caught him off guard.

     "Dragons. He has an alpha. He's most likely coming here to challenge mine." Rider said, Stoick nodded.

     "So... what do we do?" Ruffnut asked, Rider sighed.

     "Ride dragons. Find one of your own to fight. You can't with against Drago without a dragon." Rider explained, they each looked at each other.

    "Alright." Valka said, "would you.. care to show us?"

    "I suppose." Rider said as he gestured for them to follow. He held his own staff close as he led them to the center where his alpha lay to rest. They began to look around in awe as dragons soared.

    "This is amazing..." Fishlegs whispered which made him slightly happy. Not all of them were against dragons. Soon, dragons landed and each was drawn to one. The twins took a Zippleback, Fishlegs took a Gronkle, Snotlout took a Monstrous Nightmare and Gobber also took a Gronkle. A much larger one. That left Stoick and Valka, who watched as the others held on to their dragons as they flew about.

    "If you don't mind I'd like to ask a question." Stoick said as he approached Rider who made sure his helmet was still secure on his head.

"Ask away." He replied as he watched them.

"How did you know that I was uncomfortable with dragons?" Stoick asked, Valka looked at him as well.

"I was told." He said, "that's why I kept my distance from Berk. Well I kept it anyway but I thought I made you uncomfortable despite being in an alliance."

"So you.. know?" Valka asked, Rider nodded.

"And I'm sorry that it happened. I'm not sure why it would've but I'm sorry." Rider said to them.

"No, it's not your fault. I wouldn't know what a Stormcutter would want with a baby." Valka said, giving him a small smile. He furrowed his eyebrows at the thought. Though it was quickly interrupted by a loud crash, the ground began to shake. At this moment a Rumblehorn landed and Rider urged Stoick onto it. Then Cloudjumper landed just as Stoick and Valka both onto it. They took of and he quickly mounted Toohless to join them. They arrived to be surrounded by Drago's ships and dragons. Drago laughed as he saw Rider approach on the Night Fury.

"Give up boy! Hand over the dragons!" Drago yelled as he looked up at Rider who glared down at him. The others flew around freeing trapped dragons as a battle begun. Soon, Cloudjumper joined them and flew high as the Bewilderbeast from his nest emerged. Soon, the Bewilderbeast from the sea join and and challenged the alpha. Rider jumped from toothless and opened his arms, wings appeared as he flew down towards him. Valka and Stoick had joined as Astrid and the others helped elsewhere. Rider didn't hesitate to bring his flaming sword down at Drago who blocked it. Though stumbled and was met with another blow from Rider. There was no mercy nor hesitation as Toothless fired shots of lightning at Drago. Rider wanted him dead.

The alphas fought and before long... his lost. He watched before Drago managed to swipe him off his feet, he landed hard before a spear went into his shoulder, breaking through the weak parts of his armor. He yelled out in pain and Drago used his foot to kick off his helmet. Rider glared daggers up at him as Drago smiled down at him. Stoick and Valka stared at Rider as they held weapons.

"I see the resemblance now." Drago said as he smiled down at them. "You both glare the exact same." He added as he gestured towards Stoick. He then realized what he meant. Rider's pained look was filled with shock as he looked up at Stoick and Valka. Drago laughed and Rider took this chance to swipe him off his feet, Drago having only one arm caught himself from falling but couldn't block the sword from entering his neck, his head cooking clean off. Zero hesitation. Rider stared down at his head before sticking it on the spear, showing the head to the enemy alpha who had won. Toothless roared at the dragon as the new alpha attempted to control him. Rider watched as his best friend challenged the alpha in shock, Cloudjumper landing next to Rider and whined at his wound.

They watched as Toothless mercilessly fired shots at the Bewilderbeast until one of its massive horns fell. The Bewilderbeast whined and soon retreated back into the ocean, leaving Toothless the winner. Rider smiled and sighed as he stumbled, the dragons cheered for their winner as so did the few people that was on the right side. Soon, Rider was surrounded by Stoick and Valka. Valka grabbed his face and stared at him with wide eyes. Drago knew this whole time, Rider didn't know what to say or do.

"Hiccup..." Stoick said softly as he stared at him, he was their son. Taken by the Stormcutter 20 years ago.

"You're alive... my sweet boy..." Valka said as she embraced him, Stoick hugged both of them as tears swelled in their eyes. Rider could feel tears in his as well. He felt like he found where he belonged, he always felt... strange amongst the dragons. But the familiar kindness he knew was his parents. The first Vikings who actually didn't betray him ended up being his real family.

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