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    A few years had passed and the Night Rider kept his promise. Not a single dragon was spotted near Berk, besides a few flying by. The Rider came and took the dragons they had captive and left, Never being a bother. Though the gang really didn't know what to do with themselves, fighting dragons was always their goal yet now just because of some... guy, they didn't have to worry about dragons anymore. Gobber readied their ship as they set sail to fish. The blonde girl known as Astrid stared out into the sea, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut bickering and fighting behind her. She grew more and more annoyed by the second but decided to ignore them, it was Snotlout that normally got on her nerves the most. Soon, Gobber yelled at them to join him on the boat to set sail. They had decided on the decision to be fishermen since they couldn't be dragon slayers anymore.

Astrid slapped Snotlout's hand away as he offered it to her, rolling her eyes as she climbed the boat without his help. Their sail was long and boring, Astrid attempted to keep them from bothering her on their cruise to the normal fishing spot.

    "Boy troubles dear?" Gobber asked as he stood next to her, Astrid rolled her eyes.

    "Not even close." She said with a grumble, Gobber chuckled.

    "It is a shame I suppose." He said as he picked at his mustache.

    "Can I ask a question that you'll answer seriously since Stoick or Valka isn't here?" She asked, Gobber stared at her with worry.

     "Oh boy, I suppose. As long as it's nothing your parents shouldn't have already said." He said earning a look of disbelief from her. She shook her head.

    "No, I just want to know why you helped that... what's his name? Rider?" She asked, Gobber sighed.

    "Well, he was a boy. And that boy got rid of the best and promised we wouldn't be bothered by the dragons. It's what we always wanted since we first sailed here." He said, Astrid furrowed her eyebrows.

    "Stoick.. let you?" She asked, Gobber shrugged.

    "Well, not at first. Considering it was a Night Fury. But he helped in the end." He said, Astrid sighed.

     "Is it because of Hiccup?" She asked, Gobber coughed suddenly and looked at her.

    "I can't for sure answer that. Anything could be because of him." He said, patting her back.

    "I heard from the Trader that Rider was famous among raids." She said, "maybe you guys should've killed him and the dragon."

     "Maybe, but it's not our problem lass." He said with a smile, Astrid chuckled at this as they approached their fishing spot, only to see ships approaching them. Gobber stared at them from a distance.

    "Uhhh, those aren't Berk ships..." Fishlegs said as he stared at them.

    "Gather your weapons." Gobber said to them, each of them scurried togg by rag a weapon before suddenly their ship was shot at, flames caught one side of the ship as chains were shot towards them. The ships got closer and closer before Gobber's eyes widened.

     "Drago..." Gobber whispered softly, though it was only scouts. Soon, they were outnumbered as Vikings boarded their ship, weapons pointed at them as they urged them off their flaming ship. Astrid held her hands up and grumbled as the other Vikings tied them behind her back.

    "We've been looking for some new recruits." One of them said as they were forced to their knees. Astrid glared daggers in their direction as they discussed their plans right in front of them. Only until they heard a familiar whistle.

    "Night Fury!" One of the Vikings yelled, immediately they began to search for cover as they saw the black dragon dive down towards them, though the dragon did not fire at them. Instead it scooped up a few and flew off with them, dropping them into the sea to drown. A figure had jumped off the Night Fury and clashed easily with the leader of the scout group. The man used all his might to throw a sword down on the rather terrifying figure, though it grabbed the sword and used its other hand to claw at the man's throat.

    Astrid watched in horror as the man bled out on the deck of the ship, the Night Fury had taken care of the other ships by shooting them down. They purposely didn't shoot down the main ship they were on. They looked at the Night Rider who stared back at them. One would confused him for a dragon if it weren't for his body, but while crouched he looked just like them. Armor with scales and spikes on his back, built in claws on his hands. Even the helmet he wore sent shivers down their spines. Rider looked at Gobber as the Night Fury landed next to him, sniffing at Gobber before the dragon gave a gummy smile. Rider tilted his head before using his built in claw armor to cut the ropes on his hands. Gobber seemed to sigh.

    "Thank you lad, I didn't expect you or... him to remember me." Gobber said as Rider went to cut the ropes of everyone else. Astrid flinched as he cut hers, though she was not harmed. Rider nodded at him before pointing towards their sunken ship, smoke poured from it and they understood why he had helped.

    "Don't you talk?" Snotlout asked with an attitude. Rider simply ignored him as he approached the Night Fury, the dragon glaring in Snotlout's direction.

     "Don't be rude, he did save us." Astrid said to him with a scowl. Though, the ship they were on was also not the safest to ride on. Not with Drago's symbols all over it. Berk would shoot it down immediately. She couldn't help but stare at Rider who seemed to communicate to the Night Fury without words. She was curious.

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