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The ash cleared slowly as Stocik seemed to search for the black dragon that killed the Queen for them. He swore he saw something human-like fall off the dragon near the end, this made him curious. The beaded man searched as the other Vikings began to head towards the few ships remaining. Soon, Gobber had joined his side as the Vikin chief searched. Gobber watched for a while as dragons began to return one by one, as if trying to figure out what had happened. Stoick kept searching high and low looking for any sign of life.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is it that you're doing?" Gobber asked as he hobbled after his chief.

"There was something on the back of that Night Fury, I'm sure of it." He said as he climbed over a pile of rocks.

"I highly doubt that, a Night Fury? Be happy we managed to even get a look at it and still be alive!" Gobber exclaimed as he followed, only to stop as Stoick stared at the black dragon surrounded by a few others. A Nadder and a Monstrous Nightmare sniffed and looked towards the both of them.

"There's something in its arms..." Stoick said softly, pointing towards the Night Fury who grumbled as it moved. Then they could smell blood, looking down at what seemed like a child in the dragons arms. Gobber slowly approached as Stoick jumped at his slight movement.

"It is a person. A child I think." He said, looking down, the dragons growled at him and he held his hands up in defense.

"I thought so, I didn't expect the Night Fury to have a rider." Stoick said as he backed off, the dragons didn't seem like they'd attack, but he was on edge surrounded by them without a weapon.

"He's missing his leg." He said as he approached more, the Night Fury growled loudly as he wrapped his tail around the boy, "I can help." He said and pointed at his own leg. The Night Fury looked down at it then at the boy, hesitantly opening a way for the Viking to go through.

"What are you going Gobber? Are you mad?" Stoick whispered loudly in his direction. Gobber simply pulled the boy away from the dragon to inspect the missing leg, nodding at it.

"Only a little. I mean, they did help us." He said, gesturing towards the boy and dragon. Stoick sighed at him.

"Tell me how to help." He said which made Gobber laugh at him, going about to pick up anything they could use to fix the boy's missing leg. It didn't take long before Gobber had managed to make him a crude leg for the time being, smiling down at it. At this point they were surrounded by the dragons of the island, watching closely.

    "Alright, that'll do it." Gobber said as he stood up, smiling down at his handiwork. The Night Fury purred at this and sniffed at the leg. Then looked at Gobber to give him a gummy smile.

   "Now that's something you don't see everyday." Stoick said as the dragons approached happily, the Night Fury bumper at Gobber's hand and licked it.

   "You're welcome, I'm sorry I can't help you either." He said as he pointed at the dragons tail. The dragon only purred at him before moving towards the boy in armor. Stoick was curious but didn't dare approach, not surrounded by dragons. Soon, a Gronkle had made its way over to them and carefully picked up the boy before flying off, a Monstrous Nightmare picked the Night Fury up and they began to fly away. The crowd of dragons following them which caught everyone attention.

   "I guess this is it." Stoick said, watching them fly off.

    "Easier than I thought it would be. We didn't even had to lift a finger." Gobber said, Stoick glared in his direction.

    "Let's get going." Stoick said as he walked off towards the remaining ships. Gobber followed, leaving as easily as they arrived.


    A few weeks had passed since then, no dragons ever made their way towards Berk since the large dragon died. The only dragon that showed up was a Terrible Terror holding a note from the rider they had helped. He had thanked them for their kindness and informed them that the dragons had moved to his nest and should no longer be a problem to Berk. Stoick seemed pleased with this, that rider would keep away the dragons but he couldn't fully trust him. He decided to call the dragon his kin rather than Vikings. Stoick grumbled as he watched the sea, his wife approaching him. She hugged his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder, staring out into the ocean with him.

"Is something the matter?" She asked as they watched the sun set.

"Not entirely. I just.. don't trust that rider." He said, she nodded.

"I understand but at least our dragon problem is gone. For no at least. He did say only the dragons at his nest wouldn't bother us." She said, patting his arm.

"I didn't think dragons would be like that with another person. A boy at that." He said, Valka sighed.

"It couldn't have been a wee lad." She said, Stoick shook his head.

"He was a small boy, skinny too. I'm pretty sure but he had armor on. That Night Fury wouldn't let us touch anywhere else but his missing leg." He said, scratching at his beard.

"To think a boy you describe could control dragons like that." She said, "but we can put it behind us. He's not a problem to us."

"I suppose you're right, dear." Stoick said, giving Valka a kiss on the forehead. She smiled at him as she reached for his hand.

"Come, let's go eat dinner before it gets cold." She said, he smiled as they made their way home. Though they were being watched by a group not too far.

"See, I told you!" A voice from a rather chubby Viking child said. Only to be punched to two hands coming from two look-alike people.

"Someone else defeated the nest." Another Viking child said, glaring towards the ocean. He earned a smack from a blonde girl who rolled her eyes.

"It doesn't matter who did it, that just means we don't have to deal with dragons anymore." The girl said, the twins nodded.

"But who was it?" The female twin asked.

"They said it was a rider, like a Viking?" The male twin asked.

"Not our problem." The blonde girl said and walked off. Leaving the remaining four to bicker and argue over how they would've killed the Red Queen without riding a dragon.

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