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     The boy watched the dragons fly above him as he sat on a cliff with paper and metal in front of him. He was preparing for Drago, knowing exactly that he'd want revenge. He had been going around clearing their traps that caused some dragon to become disabled. He carefully put together his weapon and admired it, smiling softly as the Stormcutter landed behind him. He smiled at his dragon friend and held up the strange looking weapon, the Stormcutter tilted its head at it. The boy stood up and pressed a button, the sword seemed to light with fire which made the Stormcutter jump, staring intently at it. With a smile he put it out and folded it, grumbling when it seemed to mess up slightly.

    "Is it time to go?" He asked as he looked up at the dragon, the dragon nodded at him. Soon the boy stood and stretched before folding his papers and using a staff on the ground to hood onto one of the Stormcutter's claws, then the dragon lifted him onto his back. He pulled the mask on his head over his face as they took off. The child sat patiently on the dragons back as they flew.

    "I should call you something, like a name." He said to the dragon. The Stormcutter purred at him, "I learned that people have names. Even dragons have names too. So I can call you something you think?" He asked, patting the dragons head gently. The dragon blinked at him.

    "What about Cloudjumper?" He asked, "when you fly it looks like you're jumping in the clouds." He added and Cloudjumper purred happily at him. He laughed and laid across the dragons back, stretching out with a groan. The rest of the day was spent releasing captive dragons and flying around the world. It was his favorite thing. Since he could draw he has been making a map, keeping a close eye on certain areas.

     Soon the sun began to set as they flew about, Cloudjumper shook himself as they flew home. Only to hear a rather loud dragon roar coming from the fog in the distance. This made Cloudjumper pause in flight, both stared deeply into the fog until the noticed dragons flying out of it. The boy was unfamiliar with these dragons following a different roar. His Bewilderbeast did not make those sort of sounds. He glanced down at Cloudjumper who looked up. The boy waved the staff in their direction, making a sound you'd normally hear from a dragon. He couldn't physically make those communication sounds if it weren't for that staff, it's how he talked to them without the voice of Vikings. Cloudjumper soon quietly followed the dragons, the sky growing darker.

     Soon the heard of dragons approached an island, the sky was dark and they hid well. Cloudjumper perched on a rock formation near the island, the dragons soon began attacking. This confused the both of them as a battle broke out, Vikings screaming and dragons roaring. After a while a loud whistling sound erupted causing them to both jump, a flash of blue destroyed one of their towers in an instant. A Night Fury? The boy had seen a few before, but soon they each disappeared. He thought they were all gone. Cloudjumper purred at him as they watched, the boy nodded.

    Just as Cloudjumper opened his wings to fly off, both heard the Night Fury roar in pain as it was shot down from the sky, many Vikings cheered at this as they continued to fight. The boy patted the four winged dragons head and they flew towards the island, quickly and frantically searching for where the dragon dropped. The fight lasted all night, they searched all night only to not find the dragon. But they couldn't leave, knowing the dragon would be killed the moment the Vikings found it. Soon the sun rose and light flooded the forest they searched in. Until a trail was found, both of them quickly followed it to find the black dragon on the ground held in ropes.

    The boy got low to the ground and slowly approached, the sound of his staff alerted the Night Fury who stared at him with slitted green eyes. The boy tilted his staff which made a soft purr like sound, indicating he was friendly. The Night Fury seemed confused at this action and made a hollow sound towards him. He approached slowly before jumping at the sound of voices, both of them looked in the direction they came from. The dragon seemed to sigh heavily and lay its head down, as if accepting its fate. Though the boy moved quickly and used a small hand made knife from his boot to undo the ropes, the dragon had quickly watched him set it free. The boy picked up its staff as Cloudjumper came through the trees, indicating that it was time to go. The boy waved the dragon off as he climbed the Stormcutter. The black dragon soon took off, however he noticed quickly it struggled to fly straight, but he couldn't get caught either and left just as fast.

A day or so had passed since then. The boy worried for the dragon on the island they had found. Cloudjumper didn't really like going back and the boy had a tough time trying to get him to return to the island that held the Night Fury. The boy pouted at the dragon who lay lazily on the rock beneath them before leaving to find a different dragon. He wasn't picky, he chose the familiar blue Deadly Nadder to take him, and that dragon happily flew off with him. The boy had brought a fish with him in hopes to earn the other dragons trust, as Night Fury dragons weren't easily swayed. Soon they landed on the island and he began his search, finding a rather large natural hole with the black dragon in it. He could immediately tell that the dragon was missing one of its tail fins.

Very carefully, the child climbed down the side and stared off at the dragon who seemed to have heard him. They stared at each other before the boy crouched low to the ground to approach, the Night Fury growling at him in return. Though he didn't stop until he was close enough to hold out the fish to the dragon who sniffed at it, then opened its mouth. The boy tilted his head at the dragons empty mouth. "Toothless?" He asked the dragon softly, before teeth suddenly popped out of its mouth and grabbed the fish from his hands. The boy stared at him in awe as the dragon swallowed the fish happily. Then the dragon looked at him and approached, sniffing at him as he backed up slightly. The dragon soon made strange noises before part of the eaten fish fell from its mouth and onto the boys lap. The boy looked at it then at the dragon who stared intently.

The boy hesitated to remove his mask but did so anyway. Shuddering as he took a bite of the raw fish, almost gagging at the dragons saliva. The dragon purred happily and the child gave him a smile, in which the dragon stared at and slowly imitated but without teeth. The boy stared at him before reaching out a hand, only for the Night Fury to growl and glide off. The boy watched the dragon leave before putting his mask on yet again, then leaving for the day, happy with what progress he was able to make with the black dragon.

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