Part 4

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*she's so masungit. Im just trying to help her lang naman.
So nauna na ko and bumalik sa bar to buy some more beers. And i saw her again andun sya sa pwesto nya umiinom ulit.
Im just watching her from a far kasi baka sabihin nya stalker ako.

*While im drinking padin i saw someone na lumapit sa kanya tinitignan ko lang sila maybe she know the guy looks like they're talking naman e.
*then the guy touch her shoulders and boom she pushes the guy and now a commotion police came so  i went to her right away to check if she's ok and i saw her slapping and punching the guy*

*at last wala na yung asungot. Bwisit naman kasi nireport pa plate # ko sa police dapat nakauwi na ko ngayon eh.
I decided to drink again ng biglang may nagsalita
Guy: hi you alone?
Anj: obviously. I don't want to be rude but can you please leave me alone thank you.
Guy: wow! Feisty! That's what i like baby.
Anj: the heck are you saying! Leave me alone before i punch you in the face.
Guy: wanna go to my place baby (then he touches my shoulder)
* so i got really mad and pushed him and i don't know i slapped and punch him multiple times and now there's alot of people and police trying to stop me when i heard a familiar voice and black out.

*shoot! She passed out. Im trying to go to her (but there's a police.
So tried talking to them
Police Officer: sir do you know her?
Sandro: ah yes she's my girlfriend
P.O: what happened here sir ?
Sandro: i was just getting something at the bar so i left her here. And when i came back i just saw a lot pf people.
P.O: anyone know what exactly happen?
Stranger: she was drinking then that guy talked to her and saying some nasty things like asking her she wants to go with him so she got mad and pushed him but that guy tried to kiss her and touch her thats why she slapped and punched that guy.
P.O: * arresting that guy* ok sir we're so sorry for what happened can you take care of her and tell her to call us tomorrow for investigation and if she wants to press charges . (Giving me card)
Sandro: thank you officer.

*so i ask the hotel staff to carry her bags and carried her going inside the hotel and get one more room for her.

*this is the only time i saw her face. She's beautiful but she look so tired. Her eyebags and her eyes.
Im wondering what happened to her.

*i went to rest room and get some cold towel ang dami nya kasi sand sa face ang arms nya. After thats i placed her ng maayos sa bed and let her sleep there.
* i went to the balcony for some fresh air and uminom ulit ako checking the time it's only 1:30 AM.
While drinking i checked my phone and there i saw her again and everything flashes back how i court her and how she broke me i saw it again how sam kissed him and how sam denied me in front of that guy.ang sakit i almost cried when i heard something loud.

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