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DISCLAIMER: This is just a made up story. nothing in this story are true.


I brought anj in the room since she's drunk already and she want to change na din.
So i just helped her in the bathroom to wash her self. She's so makulit i swear.
"Love go na just shower a bit. We went in the pool you cannot change right away"
"Love do it for me please you love me naman eh"
"Love i cannot. I can only help you wash you hair then you do the rest"
"Okiiiiii. Comeeee wash my hairrrrr!"
Im just washing her hair. Cause there's alot of sand. Anj and shi kasi went to the front beach nag habulan and they roll there together.
Im done washing her hair. And she pulled me back inside the shower.
"Love you should shower din this is unfair im the only one showering here"
"Love i'll shower later after you. Keep your voice down they might hear us and think of something"
"I don't care love they're the one listening they should adjust hahahahaha come hirrrrr shower with meeeeee"
"Quiet na love. Go shower na"
"I know na how i'll be quiet love" she's like a kid having an idea.
And she pulled me for a kiss.
And we just cant stop. I don't know but i just cant stop myself too.
We're just there kissing the next thing i know we're both showering and nothing on us.
I carried her and we went in the bed. I even ask her.
"Love are we doing this?"
"Yes love."
"Love maybe we're just drunk i don't-" she cut me off
"Love im sure im all yours" and she kissed me again.
Those kiss and touch you can all feel the love you can feel how pure it is. We just made love that night.

Next morning i woke up seeing her sleeping beside me. I just can't thank god enough for having her in my life im really blessed to have her. I just kissed her in the forehead and hugged her.
"I love you my sandro"
"I love you love. Did i wake you? Sorry."
"No love. Just in time."
"You want to get up na?"
"5 more mins. Love?"
"Im sorry about last night. I know i got drunk and i pushed you to your limits" anj
"No love don't say sorry. I should be the one saying that. Im the one that still can control and i let it happen too"
"No love. I should be the one saying sorry. Basta sorry love but hindi ako nag sisisi sa nangyari last night. I would give it to you always and im all yours love"
"Me too love. Im all yours and what happened last night was one of the best nights. I love you love"
" i love you too my sandro"
We can hear noise na outside
"Love what time is it?"
"Uhm 7 AM Love"
"Love go shower na we have tour diba? We should leave 8:30"
"Oh yeah yeah. I'll shower na"
After we took bath and prepare lumabas na din kami ng room. And they're all in the table na eating breakfast so we joined them na din.

"Good morning everyone"
"Good morning"
"Mami puyat yarn? Nauna pa kayo pumasok ah" carl
"Baliw hindi. Ngayon lang kasi kami late gumising."
"Bakla, sandro ang fresh nyo! Pano maging fresh" shi
"Ate anj you're blushing hahaha" vinny.
"Look at sands oh. He looks so happy" simon
"You guys stop na. Just eat"
"Yes dad." Biro ni ces

We just went to a tour here in ilocos this is also the first time that me and anj went out early. There are people looking at us but they don't know that it was us. We're all wearing masks and shades kasi then the psg are just around watching us.
The day went on tours then pictures. After the tour we just went back at the resort since they want to watch sunset and just explore the beach too.

Anj just ordered all the food delicacies of ilocos. She wanted her friends to try it too kasi.
Athea, anj and her friends are just in the beach while me simon and vinny we just put up some beach chair and we just watch them.
"They all look so happy and enjoying ilocos right"
"Yeah. They're like kids running around hahaha"
"Yeah right haha. Oh sands mom said that me and vinny we'll be flying back to manila next week." Simon
"Yeah she just told me yesterday. Maybe after that week we'll go in manila too. I need to be in manila since it's going to be busy in batasan."
"Really? Where are you guys gonna stay?"
"Not sure yet. I haven't got a chance to talk to anj too."

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