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"Love look at me. Calm down whatever the result is we're both still here ok? Breath in breath out." I just nod and i took one of the test from the counter

" I just nod and i took one of the test from the counter

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"POSITIVE!" I don't know how will i process everything i just bent down and cry

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"POSITIVE!" I don't know how will i process everything i just bent down and cry. Sandro hugged me.
"L love w we we're pregnant" he's crying too nakaupo lang kami sa floor we're both crying.
"we're going to be parents na"
"Yes love. Thank you lord!!!!" Sigaw naman ni sandro. Tumayo naman na ko sa pagkakaupo namin hndi padin ako matigil kakaiyak tinitignan ko lang yung test.
"Thank you lord sa mga blessing mo" yun lang nasabi ko lumapit naman sakin si sandro
"Thank you love. I love you and also to you munchkin" he kissed me and my tummy lalo tuloy ako naiyak. I just hugged him so tight.
"Thank you too love. Magiging parents na tayo sobrang saya ng puso ko." We're still crying and
Pumunta naman na kami ng kama at si sandro panay naman alalay sakin he's so cute im secretly trying to record him. He went back sa bathroom and took the test.
"Love i still can't believe it. Magiging daddy na ko" nagtatalon nanaman sya sa tuwa pero you can see that tears are still falling. Lumapit sya sakin
"I love you love. Thank you for making me a dad"
"Anong making you a dad. Isa ka din sa gumawa nito noh. You made this too! Hahaha"
"Yeah right. Haha im so magaling kasi love"
"Yeah right. I love you our little munchkin. You may not be planned but you will always be our greatest blessing in life" while im holding my tummy. Sandro is hugging me and kissing my belly.
"Yes munchkin you complete our family."
"i need to get checked love. So we really can confirm it too"
"Yeah that's right. Wait i'll ask chi to call your doctor so we can go tomorrow"
"No. Ako nalang love. Wait you're coming with me?"
"Of course love i wouldn't miss this for the world"
"Wait i'll message dra. I hope she's still awake"
Few minutes dra called me.
"Yes hello anj good evening."
"Hi dra. Good evening po. Sorry dra i know it's late na"
"It's ok darling. So you want to get checked tomorrow? For what reason darling?"
"Yes dra. I did some tests i think an hour ago. And it's positive."
"Wow that's a great news indeed. So i can put you early in the morning is that ok?"
"Yes dra. Which hospital po?"
"Let's just do it in BGC so it's more private ok? So 8 in the morning. Darling make sure that your last meal will be 12 ok? So we can also do cbc tomorrow morning.
"Noted po. Thank you dra."
"Thank you i'll see you tomorrow"
"Wow is that your new doctor love?"
"No love she's our family doctor. Sya pa yung doctor ni mom nung pregnant sya sakin.
"I see that's why you guys are close"
"Yes love."
"Love should we call our family?"
"For that can we just tell them after dra confirms it?
"Of course love. But love can we push through our wedding earlier?"
"Why love?"
"Nothing. I just want us to get married right away ao you can really be my mrs. Marcos na" im blushing
"Love nemen your making me kiliggg! But yes if thats what you want"
While we're lying down in our bed. Nag kkwentuhan lang kami about all the blessings. Hanggang we both fell asleep na din.

I woke up and im really not feeling well. Im having a really bad head ache and i feel nauseous. And i just get up and run to the bathroom i can't hold it anymore.

I woke up and anj is not in the bed. I can hear her in the bathroom. So i went to check her she's vomiting. I just rub her back to support her. and she's crying.
She really hates it when she feels nauseous kasi she hates vomits.

"It's ok love. Don't cry."
"Is this normal. I hate this vomits!"
"We'll ask your doctor later love. Go wash and drink some water"
We just showered and prepare so we can go to her doctor.

[...] arriving the hospital.

We're both wearing masks and shades. Also the PSG are no way near us. We're trying to not get their attention kasi. We went up and they assist us straight to the private room.

"Oh good morning darling long time no see. Good morning too Mr. Marcos" binati din namin si dra.
"So the nurses said they already got your vitals, cbc and other tests. So let's just wait for a few minutes for the results ok."
"Sure dra."
"While waiting. How are you feeling darling?"
"Im actually good dra. It's just that this past few days mild head aches and dizziness talaga then also this morning i feel nauseous then vomiting."
"Dra. she also sleeps alot"
"I see wait here's the results let me just open it.
And congratulations to you too you really are pregnant. So here it is. All that you've said earlier are actually normal. That's the morning sickness so if your first day of last menstruation is march 1. You're now 5 weeks and 6 days." She's crying again.
"Oh that's part of the pregnancy hormones alot of crying and mood swings"
"I see. That's what happening this past few days dra hahaha." I said.
"Come anj. Let's do your ultrasound. You can sit here mr. Sandro" pointing on the chair near the machine
"You can just call me sandro dra."
"Dra. Is there a heart beat na po ba?"
"There should be. Let's see"
I took my phone out to film it.
"So anj sandro take a look at this. Thats your baby" it's so tiny. I can't contain my hapiness

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