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It's our 4th anniversary tomorrow.
We're actually not planning anything since were both busy. But little did she know i already asked her assistant to clear her schedule for the next 3 days. All she know is we're flying to ilocos tomorrow she even prepare everything even our stuffs but shi her friend packed her another bag for our trip.

It's only 5 in the morning and We're here in the jet and she's sleeping.
We arrived and She just woke up and look around
"Where are we love?"
"It's a surprise love"
We went down and the people greeted us
"Welcome to amanpulo Mr. Sandro and Ms. Anj"
"What? Love is this true?"
"Yes love!, you deserve this. Happy anniversary love"
"Omg thank you love! WE deserve this. Happy anniversary love"
We've been wanting to go here in amanpulo. It's private and we can actually relax.

We arrive in the villa and my anjel is really happy.
"Yes love why?"
"Love you didn't told me were going here. I didn't pack anything for amanpulo. I only pack our usual!!!!!!"
"Hahaha don't worry love i got it covered. I got you love haha"
"Reallyyy? Thank you lord for giving me the best man!" I just chuckled
We're just resting and enjoying our view we just finished our breakfast too.
After a while we decided to change so we can go to the beach.

We're just roaming here in the beach. Taking alot of pictures to treasure. It's really private here. The staffs will not go anywhere in the beach unless you asked them you still need to ride the cart if you wished to go in their so called lobby.

We're just so happy. We can even call it paradise. No medias no psg. Maybe we just both missed the simple no clout life.

Anj didn't know that i also arrange a dinner by the beach.
We're just enjoying the beach to ourselves. Para kaming kids running around.

Im looking at her and i just can't thank god enough for giving me anj. She never change from the first time i met her until now she's still the anj that i falled for.

We went back to the villa. Im here at the pool while she's inside. While she's preparing our clothes she saw the white dress and white polo.
"Love we should wear this. Both white oh look"
"Sure love" (she didn't know that's planned haha. I know her too well talaga"

We're just talking and pinching up some ideas for possible projects. She always helps me with this too she's pro helping people talaga.

After awhile we decided to get ready for our dinner na din. Our dinner will be 6PM.


We just arrived at the beach side.

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