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Our wedding is perfect. Anj is now my wife officially. We really had a good time the entire day and night.
Whenever we do it all i can feel is our love, she's really making me crazy especially when she says my name. I woke up with light peeking thru the curtains and anj sleeping beside me peacefully.
"What did i ever do in my life to be blessed by you"
"I love you anj & munchkin" kissing her in the head and holding her tummy.
"We love you too love" She said
"Sorry love nagising ba kita?
"Oh. Early in the morning ang hot mo mag tagalog love. Good morning my husband" and she kissed me in the lips
"Good Morning Mrs. marcos" and i kissed her and we just stayed in the bed for awhile
"Im hungry love." And she stood up walked in the bathroom so i followed her
"What's with that face love? Why smirking?" Taas kilay nya tanong after she brushed her teeth and wash face
"I love waking up and see you like that love" then there she realized she's naked
"Guess who says that. I love seeing you like that too love." And she kissed me passionately so carried her and put her in the counter.
Next thing i heard is her moans while im thrusting her slowly
"Ugggh. More love"
"Ahhh do you like that anj"
"Sh*t sandro faster please im cumming" i can feel the pressure building up
"Ugggh! Love im cumming" after we just stayed there for a bit. When i put her down the counter her legs are shaking.

"You ok love?"
"Uh yes. My legs are shaking"
"Come i'll help you" i helped her to go sit in the bed
"You ok now love? How bout munchkin"
"Yes ok lang kami ikaw kasi naka 3 ka agad ha."
"Hahaha you love it naman eh" then i winked at her.
"Go freshen up na im hungry na" inis nyang sabi hahaha

We went down in the dining i helped anj mag lakad since her legs are still bit shaking daw
Nagulat kami kasi all her friends vinny and simon is looking at us

"You guys are early"
"Oo may nag aaway kasi ata kagabi hndi kami pinatulog ng maayos" shi said while smiling
"Anjeje what happened? Why walking like that."
I saw anj face changed "ah eh ano kasi pulikat"
I can't help but smile But kinurot nya ako
"Ah aray love."
"Let's eat na." So we sat down and eat.
"Mamis narinig mo ba yun yung nag aaway kagabi ? Nag away din ulit kaninang umaga eh." Ces said and i just can't stop smiling
"Sino ba kase yung nag away kagabi"shi said and they're looking at us
"Good morning mamis!" It's carl kaka labas lang nya ng room.
"Hoy bakla ka ang ingay nyo kagabi ha baka humabol pa at maging kambal yang inaanak namin" he said to anj kaya everyone laughed Even anj
"Love? Am i that loud?" She asked me
"I don't know love but i don't think so"
"What ate anj, kuya sands you both think you guys are not loud?"
"Are we that loud ba talaga?" She's asking everyone.
And they all answered right a way. "YES"
"Well then sorry. You guys adjust. And that's normal he's my husband naman" then she gets up went in the kitchen so i followed her.

I can still hear them nag tuturuan who's fault.
"Love are you mad? Sorry."
"Bat ka nag sosorry?"
"because we're too loud?" But im not sure with my answer
"No don't say sorry. Sila na nga lang nakikinig nagrereklamo pa they need to adjust" she said while smiling and still looking inside the fridge. I just hugged her.
"Love do we have any mangoes? And bagoong?"
"I don't know love. Let me check"


nakaka inis sila inaasar kami that we were loud last night and this morning. So i just get up and went in the kitchen bahala sila.

I don't really like our breakfast. So i checked the fridge kung may ibang food. But Parang nangangasim kasi ako i want some mangoes with bagoong.

"Love do we have any mangoes? And bagoong?"
"I don't know love. Let me check" he left na din. Im really hungry but i don't know what to eat. I can't eat the mangoes right away naman kasi baka sakitan ako ng tummy.

"Love i asked manang to buy some mangoes."
"Oki. Im hungry na talaga love."
"What do you want to eat?" Im rubbing my belly
"I don't know. Munchkin what do you want ba?"
I asked munchkin. Then i think he saw my tears fell.
"Love why are you crying. Shhhhh"
"I i don't know what to e eat and im hungry" i saw the baklas si and vinny lumapit and they're saying sorry.
"No im not mad. You guys s stop saying ssorry"
"Eh why are you crying ba ate anj?" Vinny asked
"Im hungry and i i don't know what i want to e eat" i can't stop crying.
"Nako sandro just cook anything then she can try it para she have choices. Ganyan din kasi ako nun mahirap mag hanap ng food pag walang choices"
"Ok i'll ask manang to cook"
"Love diba you asked manang to buy mangoes?"
"Oh yeah right."
"Ikaw nalang magluto sands" shi said
"Yes love p please"
"Bakla dito ka na muna maupo ka" we went in the dining.

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