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We arrived at the beach side.
There's no table or anything it's also dark.

"Love are you sure we're having dinner here? It's really dark"
"Yes love they're still preparing it. Let's have a walk first?"
"Oh ok. Sure can we walk slow love i really can't see much you know naman bulag ako sa dilim"
"Yes love. Let's go"
While walking we're just talking din.
"Love i still can't believe it. 4 years na tayo and it feels like we just met yesterday"
"Yes love. and im sooo lucky to be with you in that 4 years kahit you're so pikon."
"Sorry love haha. But you know i can't thank god enough for having you. Im beyond bless to be with you love"
We stopped walking.
"Why did we stop love?"
"Nothing love. I just want to tell you how much i love you." Tears are dropping now
"Aww. I love you too love! Are you crying?"
"Love i don't know what will happen to me if i havent got the chance to meet you. Thank you for making me the better version of my self every single day. Thank you for always taking care of me love"
"Love why are you saying this. You're making me cry na eh."
"I just want to tell you all of this. I know most of the time we're both busy but still you're always there to support and understand me."
"I won't get tired doing all of this for you love. I love you and i also love what you do. I will never leave your side whatever happens love"
"Love i just want to ask you this."
I kneeled down
"My anjel will you take my last name and be with me forever? Will you marry me love?"
then all the light Lights up now together with the family

"I kneeled down "My anjel will you take my last name and be with me forever? Will you marry me love?" then all the light Lights up now together with the family

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"Love? Is this real? Of course YES!!!!!!"
We're both crying at this point.
"Wohoooo! Congratulations!!!" Everyone's cheering and going to us.
Yes i invited our families for this special ocassion it's just sad that anj's family was not able to come they're still in the US but we have them thru video call right now.
They're all greeting us. Anj is still in shock we're now engaged and we're both happy. When mom and pops learned that anj's family wasn't able to come they really make sure that they can come for us.

Now the dinner set up also light up

Now the dinner set up also light up

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We went to dinner.
"Look at ate anj oh still in the cloud" vinny.
"I still can't believe it vinny. I'm just so happy too. Im so blessed to have all of you." She's crying
"Aww. We're so happy for the both of you anak. We're also blessed to have you too. From the start i know and i prayed for the both of you" mom said
"Oh that's true. Mom even said if sandro will let you go anj she's going to disown you sands" hahahah biro ni simon
"Is that true mom?"
"Yes i said that. But i also know from the start that it will not happen noh"
"As your mom keep saying nga. anj is the younger version of her" pops
"hahaha. Ohhhhh. Kuya you better be ready ate anj will evolved like mom hahahaha"
"Omg mom, pops i am honored to be like you mom" anj said
"Of course. I would always chose mom's level. Hahaha" i said.
After our dinner while having tea there's someone plays some love songs so we just danced
I asked vinny to take picture of us.
Anj is still crying at this point.


I just can't stop crying. He proposed to me we're now engage!!! Sandro asked me for a dance.
"Love you're still crying?"
"I still can't believe it love. i don't know how to explain how happy i am. sobrang saya ng puso ko love"
"Me too love. Thank you for saying yes to me"
"I will always say yes to you love i promise"

Can i have a dance with my future daughter in law? Tanong ni pops
"Yes pops take care of my fiancé"
"Of course son"
Me & pops we're dancing also mom and sandro
"Anak thank you for loving my son"
"Pops you don't need to thank me. I will always love and support him pops"
"We're just so happy for the both of you."
"Me too pops. Thank you po for always making me feel welcome and part of the family"
"You've been always part of our family anj. You will always be."

Mom, sands, si and vinny came to us for a family hug. Im really blessed for this family.

After awhile nagpaalam na din sila since they can't stay for too long dahil may mga appointments daw sila mom & pops. Si and vinny will go na din kasi vinny have work and simon has flight going to states. He just wanted to have some fresh air away from medias and clout life.
"Bye simomo. We will missed you. Please come back soon? Specially sa wedding" im crying again
"Yes anjeje stop crying na. I'll be back i promise"
"Safe flight si. Just message us anytime ok?" Sandro
"Yes sand. I will you better take care of anjeje and give us some pamangkin na hahaha"
"Haha we will si. Just wait hahaha"
They left na and we're back to the villa too.

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