Chapter 1

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December 19th, 2249

The snow tapped against their shoulders with no clear sign of slowing down, blocking their view by only a few meters.

It made them nervous, setting them on edge but they forced themselves to be calm.

Nothing bad was supposed to happen, it was a simple job to guard some storage, none of them knew what was inside but could guess from what their boss was paying.

When the sun started to set they started dropping like flies, none aware of the others. They just kept doing their job until it was there turn to disappear.

Soon enough, all of them were tied up away from one another, each of them just outside the warehouse.

A figure grew from the shadows as if they were one. The figure, standing over six foot, wore a slim fabric that covered his body, with plates of harder material around more vital areas like the chest and some around the forearms with what seemed like thin sheets of metal bent around its knuckles. Around the face there was separate holes which both had a single peircing orb of emerald green, giving nightmares to the receiver. Around the mouth seemed to be a bit more bulky with circles on each cheek, perhaps a gas mask or voice changer.

This figure went over to the storage checking it once, a disgusted escaping their lips.

Inside it was full with drugs like cocaine, marijuana, even some pills were sat in some containers. It was completely full, leaving little to no room for anything else.

The entire warehouse had containers like this, or it was filled with weapons, getting ready to be shipped around the country to people who didn't deserve it.

After placing multiple pieces of machinery around the warehouse, the figure called a number and the figure began to leave.

"Please come to musutafu XXX, there is a bomb."

The call ended without any warning and the figure started moving, scaling the closest wall, grappling onto cracks unseen from most professional eyes and started running across the building, and with a swift flick of his thumb to a button, a loud bang rang through the area creating panic as sirens were heard in the distance.

'Now only one remains' thought the figure

"Stop!" Someone shouted, sending what seemed to be fabric at them, with eyes glowing red, glaring at the figure.

With a mere tilt of their head they dodge the incoming projectile and swiftly catch the fabric, not moving from their position.

"Eraserhead." A hoarse voice escaped the figures throat, making Eraser double take. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He kept a stone cold face as he spoke back.

"You've done enough, and you need to be turned in. You are causing too much damage." While he might of said it, doesn't mean he believes it. In truth the person in front of Eraserhead has done more than most heroes who have done double the time when working.

"You and I both know that you're lying, the twitch in your fingers, the speed of your breathing. I see everything." This caused Eraser to pause, eyes not leaving for a second, wondering what to say.

"You may be right, but-" All it took was for him to blink and he was gone, taking advantage of his tiredness and leaving without a trace. Eraser didn't even feel his scarf drop and after running to the edge of the building, looking over to make sure he wasn't too late, he left.

Eraser was left clueless as to how he escaped, disappearing with a blink of an eye.

But there was something about the figure he couldn't place.

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